MoonzeMore Akabatana: Ongororo Yemharidzo

MoonzeMore Akabatana: Ongororo Yemharidzo

Iyi inyaya yekuongorora nezve iyo MonetezeMore Affiliate Chirongwa. Monetezeore ndeyekukurumidza-kukurumidza ad tech kambani mune ad revenuzation optimization niche. Senge makambani mazhinji nhasi, inopa chirongwa chakabatana uko vanhu vanogona kuwana komisheni nekuunza vatengi vekambani. Iwo MoneteMore Affiliate Chirongwa Yekudzidza chinyorwa ichatarisa zvakanakira zvakanaka uye mari yechirongwa uye kana kuve mukubatana kwekambani kwakakodzera.

Monetizemore Bhizinesi uye Chikwata

Usati wanyengerera muchirongwa chekambani yekambani, ngatitore miniti kuti ndikuidzei nekambani yacho pachayo. Izvi zvinokupa iwe zano nezve kambani uye kana chirongwa chakabatana chakakodzera kupa pfuti.

The company has over 11 years of expertise in the niche, with its domain registered on February 20th, 2011. Moonzeore is an ad tech platform that empowers publishers, which includes mobile apps and websites. Its mission is to empower publishers to realize their ad revenue seamlessly. The company has paid over $100 million to more than 1,000 publishers in forty countries. These statistics are impressive and I can imagine you are already thinking about how much you can make from being an affiliate.

Iyo kambani yakavambwa naKean Graham, uye, pamwe chete neboka revanyanzvi, inopa iyo Ad Tech Stack inokwanisa kuunza mibairo yakakosha kune vaparidzi. Izvo zvinomisa kambani kunze kwezororo isiriyo isipo-yekukiya-muchibvumirano. Izvi zvinoreva kuti vaparidzi havadi chibvumirano chenguva refu vasati vashanda nekambani. Mukuwedzera, pane upenyu hwakazara uye kujeka. Iyo kambani inozivikanwawo neGoogle sechiremera, uye muna 2020, yakatumidzwa kuti Google Certified Party Party.

Moonzeore Affiliate Program

An affiliate program or marketing is the act of promoting a company’s products or services in exchange for a commission on each sale. The industry has recently grown in popularity, and it might come as a surprise to some that online affiliate marketing has been around since the mid-1990s. Without delving too much into history, it is important to note that today, most brands in various niches have adopted this marketing model, with Moonzeore being one of them.

The Moonzeore affiliate program allows individuals to earn commission on each customer they refer to the platform. A unique referral link is given to affiliates to track conversions. As an affiliate in the Moonzeore Affiliate program, you will earn 15% of a publisher’s earnings on the platform for the first year. Immediately after a publisher starts using Moonzeore, a sale will be credited to you. Affiliates are able to collect their first commission 30 days after the sale. Interestingly, there is no sign-up fee as affiliates can participate in the program for free.

Is Moonzeore Affiliate Program a good idea?

Moonzeore is recognized as one of the fastest growing ad tech companies. It is a legit company with over 11 years of experience. They provide an in-demand service by optimizing customers’ unsold ad inventories. The company has shelled out over $100 million to publishers, which makes their affiliate program lucrative. Furthermore, the company has cutting-edge technology and a dedicated ad optimization team.

As an affiliate in the Moonzeore Affiliate program, you will be earning commission on an in-demand service, ad optimization. With a high demand for the service, you will definitely make money if you put in the work.

Moonzeore Affiliate program pros and cons

Moonzeore Affiliate program comes with a lot of benefits and advantages that affiliates can enjoy, but there are also some cons. They include:

  • Vakabatana Vanowana 15% Commission Rate
  • Hapana muganho pane mari
  • Vakabatana vanofarira mazuva makumi matatu makuki kuti vave nechokwadi chekuti havarase kutendeuka
  • Izvo zvinokurumidza uye zviri nyore kunyoresa
  • Hapana mari yekusaina
  • Nzira dzakasiyana dzekubhadhara: Paypal, ACH, kana Wire Transport
  • Vakabatana chete vanowana 15% yemubhadharo wegore remwaka wegore
  • Iko hakuna komisheni pazvirevo zvinowanikwa kubva kune isiri-purofiti nzvimbo
  • Vakabatana havazowani Commission kana paine muparidzi anogona kusaina mukati memazuva makumi matatu


Monetezeore ndeyekukurumidza-kukurumidza ad tech kambani, iyo inoita kuti chirongwa chacho chakabatana chinotonyanyabatsira. Iyo MoneteMore Affiliate Chirongwa Yekuongorora Yakaongororwa Zvakasiyana Zvakasiyana Zvakersaka uye Cons yeChirongwa. Kufunga nezvezvinhu izvi, mune chikamu chikamu che1 kusvika ku5, chirongwa chakabatana chichave chakabikwa 4. Chiyero ichi chakavakirwa pane yakakwirira kudiwa kwebasa rakapihwa nekambani uye zvakanakira chirongwa chehukama.

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