
执行Google Sheet vlookup is very similar to how to do vlookup in Excel, by using a single function to search for a string in a list of values, and returning a specific column on the same line as the value found.

什么是Vlookup Google表格

执行Google Sheet vlookup is very similar to how to do vlookup in Excel, by using a single function to search for a string in a list of values, and returning a specific column on the same line as the value found.

函数Vlookup(表示垂直查找)将扫描垂直数据列表,当它找到与给定值匹配时,将返回存储在与Google Sheet Vlookup值匹配的相应行的请求单元格中的值。

首先,要制作Vlookup Google表格,您必须从包含数据列表的现有Google表格开始。


如何进行Google Sheet Vlookup

在执行Google Sheet Vlookup时,可以在同一行上搜索与给定值匹配的单元格后面的值。

For example, in above example, using a Vlookup in Google表格, we will be able to find values for a given country, but we will not be able to find which country matches a specific value – this is because the Vlookup with search in the first column for a specific value, and return the value in the same line in another column, as far as mentionned.

Creating a Vlookup search in Google表格

Start in a cell by typing below formula, and the  Google表格   Vlookup will automatically help to complete the cell formula, and display the help with all details on how to use the function.


Make sure to take note of the number of columns separating the search column and the return column: it will be the number to enter in the Vlookup  Google表格   as index value.

VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])

另一种可能性是通过在搜索键中输入对Google表格中另一个单元格的引用而不是键入特定值来执行动态Google Sheet Vlookup。

VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])

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If you then change the value in the cell referred in the search function, the Vlookup  Google表格   result will automatically be updated accordingly.

Google表格 Vlookup help detail

The  Google表格   Vlookup gives the following details:





is_sorted - [可选]:指示是否对要搜索的列(指定范围的第一列)进行排序,在这种情况下,将返回与“search_key”最接近的匹配项。

VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])


要在Google表中执行vlookup,请使用公式`= vlookup(search_key,range,index,[is_sorted])`。将``search_key''替换为要搜索的值,“范围”,用要在内部搜索的单元格范围``index''用要返回的值的列索引,``[is_sorted]''with true true以近似匹配或false forse确切的匹配。

Yoann Bierling
关于作者 - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling是一家网络出版和数字咨询专业人员,通过技术专业知识和创新产生了全球影响。热衷于赋予个人和组织在数字时代蓬勃发展,他被迫取得出色的成果,并通过创建教育内容来推动成长。

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