






Flippa. has been on the market for many years and is a marketplace where individuals and business owners buy and sell websites, online businesses, and other digital real estate.

On Flippa., sellers sell their interesting projects, and the site greatly simplifies this process. Flippa. is the link between sellers and buyers, which optimizes deal negotiations and transactions.

為了開始使用Flipp,首先,您需要通過簡單的註冊。通過在本網站上擁有帳戶,您可以開始列出網站和其他數字房地產進行銷售。為了確保全部購買和銷售過程,該網站提供了簡單的身份驗證,它通過所有用戶傳遞 - 暢銷書和買家,在註冊時。


在列出業務或網站出售之前,您可以使用Flipp的特殊免費服務評估數字房地產。這張支票沒有花費很多時間,但同時它帶來了很多優勢 - 賣家將確切地知道他的網站目前的價值,並能夠決定現在是否值得賣,或者你可以等一下,改善一些指標。


Pros / Cons of Flippa.:

  • 在註冊期間驗證每個用戶;
  • 有一個免費的數字內容評估,這使您可以以正確的價格獲得交易;
  • 您不僅可以銷售網站,還可以銷售在線業務。
  • 在銷售時,您應該考慮在免費支票中獲得的數字內容中獲得的價格 - 您將無法按照自己的自由裁量權過收費。


With MOLAMININVERE., you can profitably sell and acquire profitable websites. The company was founded in 2007 by people who would like to sell sites, but could not find a sensible platform for this. This is how the MOLAMININVERE. project appeared - it was developed by people and for people.

One of the advantages of MOLAMININVERE. is that you can sell your website directly to the company within 48 hours. This is beneficial if the seller urgently needs money and does not have time to communicate with buyers. In addition, MOLAMININVERE. offers a fair market price and does not charge any sales commission directly to the company.

It is profitable and safe to buy sites at MOLAMININVERE., since the company has a comprehensive algorithm for checking objects for sale. Thanks to this, the buyer can be sure that after purchasing the website, he will not “fall” and will not stop making the same profit as the old owner.

MOLAMININVERE., in addition to the reliability of the transaction and the quality of the digital goods offered, can offer high-quality technical support, which is ready to help with any questions that arise. Support can help the user who bought the site to translate the monetization of the site to the new buyer data.

Pros / Cons of MOLAMININVERE.:

  • 該網站是由試圖在此類資源出現之前出售和購買網站的人創建的。因此,在創建公司時,他們考慮了他們遇到的所有細微差別。由於此,他們的網站提供了與數字房地產的銷售和購買有關的所有細節。
  • 綜合算法來檢查資源的銷售。
  • 網站暢銷很快
  • 該網站乘數通常很高,收益超過3年
  • 多個網站可用


Telderi不僅僅是購買或銷售數碼房地產的網站,它是由俄羅斯專家在這一細分專家創建的整個專業交易所。 Telderi絕對激發了信心,因為通過這次交易所進行了相當大的交易,雙方對合作感到滿意。


WebMoney - 通用支付系統

在Telderi Exchange上查找網站或域名沒有問題,因為該網站直觀,您可以在沒有任何其他說明的情況下弄清楚。也許有些用戶有一個問題,在交易完成後需要做些什麼?但是這裡沒有什麼可擔心的。首先,您需要支付購買的網站或域,然後將會提出指令,這將包含有關如何為新所有者重新註冊域以及其他細微差別的信息。


  • 除了在此交換中的網站和數字房地產外,您甚至可以在各種社交網絡以及域中購買和銷售群組和賬戶。
  • Telderi價格從最便宜到最昂貴的價格 - 每個人都可以以有吸引力的價格找到他們正在尋找的東西。
  • 僅限俄羅斯市場
  • 大多數網站都是.ru域名



設置和創建網站本身需要很多時間和財務成本,並且沒有人可以保證該網站將工作並賺取利潤。 Blogsforsale僅銷售專家已測試和評估的網站和博客,因此毫無疑問他們的盈利能力。買方收到一個已發布的原始內容的全方位網站。



  • 除了此資源的網站外,您還可以銷售填充有原始內容的高質量博客。博客主題可能絕對是任何。
  • 通過專家徹底檢查網站和博客,允許您丟棄低質量的數字房地產。
  • 很少有網站可用


This site is very often compared to Flipp, but it should be understood that this is not the same thing. There are far fewer sites for sale on Empireflippers.com. than on Flippa, however this is due to some facts. Empireflippers.com. does not sell so-called beginner sites, only serious, high-income sites can be found here. This is also due to the fact that the site's specialists carry out the most deep and high-quality check of each resource.

應該理解,這種艱苦的工作不是免費完成的。 Empireflippers.com取得了非常好的成功交易百分比,但同時它是一個值得做的一項不錯的工作。還有關於允許賣方的潛在買家的溝通的細微差別。由於公司在其利基提供信譽良好的服務中,它試圖盡一切可能確保其客戶仍然完全滿意。這就是為什麼,為了讓潛在買家寫信給賣方,他需要提供5%的擬議交易的可退還押金。在這種情況下,如果不發生交易,則該金額不會過期,可以再次使用它。


  • 在此市場上提供的最佳數字房地產是在此資源出售的。
  • 如果銷售真正高質量的資源,您可以獲得宇宙的總和。
  • 沒有關於該公司的負面評論。
  • 由於進行了促銷的每個物體的艱苦手動檢查,這家公司服務的價格簡直就是過高的,儘管另一方面這是值得的。
  • 少量出售網站。這是因為,首先,並非所有網站都被測試,其次,許多網站所有者想要在不同網站上放置廣告,以便更快地銷售。這將無法使用此資源 - 數字資源僅在此站點上發布。


exchangemarketplace.com is a major marketplace for buying and selling digital businesses. On the site there are advertisements for the sale of sites in completely different niches, including even sites with a space theme.

The system at exchangemarketplace.com is designed in such a way that, first of all, the seller posts an advertisement for the sale of a business, which cannot be edited, or deleted and re-posted. The business itself is very carefully checked by the exchangemarketplace.com team, and only after that the advertisement can be seen by a potential buyer. In addition, you can conduct a free site assessment, but this does not mean that you need to specify it for sale. The seller can either increase the cost or decrease it - at his own discretion.

As soon as a potential buyer of a digital business is found, he can immediately chat with the seller in a private chat. It should be noted that the data in it is encrypted, this prevents information leakage to third parties and intruders. If, after communicating with the seller, the potential buyer is still interested in the deal, he sends the seller a purchase offer. The seller agrees to it, then the money is credited through a special secure system. After payment, exchangemarketplace.com specialists help the buyer to securely receive his business, and the seller to receive their money.

Pros / Cons of exchangemarketplace.com:

  • 數據加密在平台上的私人通信。
  • 可提供對該網站的免費評估,但這並不意味著賣方應在此價格發布廣告的廣告。它可以增加和減少。
  • 發布的公告無法編輯,也無法刪除或重新發布。

BeBiggy:準備使用Shopify / Dropshipping網站



Bebiggy.com的優點 /缺點:

  • 優化的Shopify / Dropshipping網站
  • 自定義可能性
  • 初學者網站尚無流量





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