About YB Digital

Short bio

YB Digital

French born, digital nomad actually in Warsaw, Yoann runs his 20+ content websites with 450k+ monthly reach in various niches: business, travel, technology, fashion, sports, lifestyle, finance, entertainment, ... All powered by his self-developed Content Management System.
His mission: bring quality knowledge to the most and help others realising their digital dreams.
His experience: a year long solo world tour, 55 countries, 650+ flights.
He worked 10+ years in global business, supply chain, financial, SAP ERP projects, Web and SEO optimization for various industries, such as logistics, cosmetics, consumer goods, beauty care, or fashion, in more than 30 countries around the globe.
Since 2018 he grows and manages his network of digital assets, under the brand YB Digital, that has been recognized as a 2021 Breakout Brand.

He has been nominated as one of the 35 World's Independent Best Publishers Of The Year 2021, and finished Runner-Up!

Social links

YB Digital www.ybierling.com (business: international consulting, online marketing, office productivity, social networks, Web development)
YB Digital
Where Can I FLY? Blog www.wcifly.com (travel: stories and tips)
Where Can I FLY? Blog
Help Smartphone www.helpsmartphone.com (technology: smartphone tips, Android, Apple, Instagram, phone operators)
Help Smartphone
New Simple As Possible ERP www.newsaperp.com (business: ERP, SAP)
What Can I DO? www.wcido.com (travel: telework, digital nomadism, remote tools)
What Can I DO?
New Simple Fast CRM www.newsfcrm.com (business: SalesForce, CRM)
Grow Digital Wings www.growngs.com (business: e-learning, digital marketing, affiliate marketing)
Grow Digital Wings
Boost RPM To EPMV www.repmv.com (business: website, monetization)
Financial Creatives financialcreatives.com (business: personal finance, monetization)
Financial Creatives
Info Grocery infogrocery.com (news: food, consumer goods)
Info Grocery
Best VPNs www.bstvpn.com (technology: VPNs)
Best VPN
Mâle Raffiné www.maleraffine.com (men lifestyle: fashion, relationships, home&garden, cooking, skin care, DIY)
Male Raffine
Adrenalina 10 www.adrenalina10.com (sport: surf, trail, BMX, skate, raft)
Winners Odds www.winnersodds.com (gambling: sports, horse racing)
Winners Odds
Women's Swim www.womensswim.com (fashion: female swimwear)
Womens Swim
Travel Comparator www.travelcomparator.com (travel: apps and websites)
Travel Comparator
What Can I PLAY? www.wciplay.com (entertainment: video games)
What Can I Play?
What Can I WATCH? www.wciwatch.com (entertainment: movies, serials)
What Can I Watch?
Are UFOs Real? www.areufosreal.com (education: UFOs, conspiracy)
Are UFOs Real
Where Can I FLY? Reviews www.wcanifly.com (travel: reviews)
Where Can I FLY Reviews
What Can I WEAR? www.wciwear.com (fashion: female clothing and accessories)
What Can I Wear
EUR to USD www.eurtosd.com (finance: Euros to US Dollars)
EUR to PLN www.eurtopln.com (finance: Euros to Polish Zlotys)
Phone PC Suites www.pcsuitehq.com (technology: android smartphone pc suites)
Phone PC Suite HeadQuarters
Westie HQ www.westiehq.com (pets: westie, dogs)
Westie HQ
Best PCs www.bstpcs.com (technology: laptops desktops)
Best PCs
CSV SPLIT www.csvsplit.com (business: text file split)
CSV Split
Paroles San www.parolsan.com (music: lyrics)
Paroles San
Scaffolders Pro scaffolderspro.com (business: construction)
Scaffolders PRO
Prêt-à-Travailler BTP Europe pretatravaillerbtp.com (business: construction)
Prêt-à-Travailler BTP
Travel Insurance Terms travelinsuranceterms.com (travel: insurance, coverage)
Travel Insurance Terms travelinsuranceterms.com (travel: insurance, coverage)
Next Olympics nextolympix.com (travel, sports)
Next Olympics nextolympix.com (travel, sports)
Table Pivot tablepivot.com (business: productivity)
Table Pivot tablepivot.com (business: productivity)
Morsowania winter swim morsowania.com (wellbeing)
Morsowania winter swim morsowania.com (wellbeing)
Credit Card Glam cardglam.com (design)
Credit Card Glam cardglam.com (design)
Restful Nap restfulnap.com (health)
Restful Nap restfulnap.com (health)
Disposable Lens disposablens.com (medical)
Disposable Lens disposablens.com (medical)
Sasha Firs www.sashafirs.com (women lifestyle: ecology, society, relationships, accessories)
Sasha Firs
Roots Traveler rootstravler.com (travel: guides and tips)
Roots Traveler
Tax Taxation taxtaxation.com (finance: taxes, investment)
Tax Taxation
All Food And Nutrition allfoodandnutrition.com (personal: food, well being)
All Food And Nutrition

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  • A genuine article of 1000 words or more containing detailed an unique insight about a specific topic, that have not been published elsewhere, only contains unique content, for which you will transfer us the owning rights, and agree to never publish elsewhere or reuse in any form, except using an excerpt to link to the article published on our website,
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  • A link to the organization website,
  • A short bio of less than fifty words,
  • A link to a small headshot or icon picture, ideally 150x50px.