8 Tips For Successful Brand Positioning

8 Tips For Successful Brand Positioning

As Paul Watzlawick used to say: “You can't not communicate.” It is not surprising that this often-heard statement by the communication scientist is more true today than ever before: Social media has taken the way of communicating to a new level - all in the sign of the 24/7 dialogue.

«And every company that has not yet grasped this is barely above water in economic competition and the

positioning of the brand in social media», says Daniel Wade, brand manager from  essaywriter.nyc   company. With the help of 8 helpful tips, we will show you what the “secret” is behind successful brand positioning and how you too can stand out from the competition.

Let me touch you

Every company should ask itself: How do I get my users to stop at my post while scrolling through their feed? How can I stand out from the mass of information?

We have a small, but not entirely inconspicuous tip for you: emotions! They work universally: regardless of language, skin color or attitude.

In order for you to be able to trigger reactions in your customers with emotions, your company needs proper branding on social media. Aimlessly posting baby dogs, cat videos, or donuts may work, but what does it say about your brand? How do users associate the cute puppies with your brand of all things?

Exactly, not at all - unless you have a brilliant strategy. And so we come to our first tip.

# 1: Define your social media goals

What goals do you want to achieve with your social media strategy?

  • Extend the range
  • Achieve the highest possible interaction
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Convey a certain image

Depending on the objective, it is important to steer your range of services accordingly in this direction.

Conveying the right message through the brand is the be-all and end-all. Questions like ...

What is the brand's statement?

Which brand language do I want to use?

Which target group do I want to address?

... must be clarified in a detailed process - even before the actual social media planning. The most important point is still: How do I differentiate myself from the competition and the mass of social media content?

# 2: Stand out from the competition

Your customer should ideally be able to identify with your brand. In the best case scenario, they pass on positive experiences with the brand to friends and family. He has to perceive a certain added value: What can he as a customer and thus as an individual expect from your brand?

This brings the brand positioning on social media - and thus your social media strategy - back to the fore.

How and where should the customer perceive your brand? Which social media platforms are suitable for this and which content should be posted on which platform?

And yes, a lot can be done wrong here too. If content for Facebook, Instagram and Co. is on the first to-do list, networks such as LinkedIn and Pinterest should not be disregarded either. The challenge here: cool language or a casual demeanor may appeal to the target group on Instagram, but your company should convey professionalism on LinkedIn.

# 3: Create a Buyer Persona

In order to know which target group you want to address, it is advisable to create a buyer persona. What interests do your customers have, what age do you want to address with your brand and above all: What are the needs of your customers? Does your target group prefer informative or eventful content (e.g. animated images)?

Two key words are important for this: customer journey and touchpoints.

Customer Journey: It is an approach for a holistic, user-centered marketing strategy and describes the journey of a (potential) customer from the first contact to the purchase.

Touchpoints: These are points of contact that a customer has with a product or service. Before he decides to buy, he comes into contact with several forms of touchpoints in the customer journey.

This is where brand positioning comes in again. Try to use social media to create as many successful touchpoints as possible with your customers. Examples of this are: responding to tweets, creating dynamic ads on Facebook and Instagram or creating added value through informative blog posts on LinkedIn.

# 4: Humanize your brand

Customer loyalty is directly linked to the touchpoints. Create authenticity - show your customers that there are people behind your brand. Pass on your company values ​​and philosophy to the outside world and show customers that they are being taken seriously.

Plus: social media knows no times. Comments should be replied to as soon as possible. Ideally, this creates informal dialogues. It is precisely these comments and reactions from social media users that show what the strengths and weaknesses of your brand are. Include suggestions for improvement from users in your concept and also (or above all) respond to criticism.

# 5: Emotionally bind customers to your brand

At this point we are back at the beginning with the puppy example. Users are not interested in long lists of technical information or standard slogans such as Without our customers we are nothing.

The fact is: the more emotions and added value can be recognized, the more successful the branding is.

Addressing everyday problems, integrating advertising models beyond the 90-60-90 mark or offering loyalty discounts: There are numerous ways to bind customers to your brand / product thanks to the right social media content.

# 6: Increase reach

Continuous posting is good for your reach, but only worth half of it without interaction. Encourage customers to leave comments, share posts, follow stories or live functions.

Keyword: collaborative mindset. Whether working with influencers, YouTubers or bloggers: If your brand gets a face, it will be easier for your customers to establish a connection. Form partnerships and look for business partners for your company. Together, long-term marketing goals can be achieved.

# 7: Proper content planning is what counts

Before it comes to the type of content, it is important to know which social media platforms you want to use for your company. Do a thorough research:

Where is the competition represented?

How does your created buyer persona fit the platform?

How do your customers get information about the brand?

Then it comes down to the type of content: which content should be prepared and how? Do you want to include videos, pictures, reels, live contributions, stories or competitions in the editorial plan?

Think about which materials you need: is there a camera? Is there a way to get a drone? Etc. We come to the topic of resources: Is there a social media team in your company or do you prefer to use an agency?

Last but not least: Which stylistic device is used, with which design, color, font do you want to bind customers to your brand? Important: Always keep a central theme in your social media content design.

# 8: Let data speak for you

Observe and analyze your successes! Systemic data collection, needs-based analyzes, regular monitoring and collection of user statistics are important factors here. Social media reporting can be used to determine what value the social media measures have brought for a company. Questions like: Which post has the most likes, shares or comments? Can be answered at a glance.

Above all: react flexibly to deviations and make target group-oriented decisions. In addition, you can use the data to find out to what extent your customers can contribute to achieving the company's goals.

Conclusion: How does a successful brand positioning on social media work?

There is no single formula for the right social media strategy. Factors such as authenticity, emotionality and 24/7 customer contact are important. Ideally, you orientate yourself towards big brands or use helpful social media tools. Facebook, for example, offers a list of current hot topics for brainstorming every month. In the end, in keeping with the Nike slogan, it remains to be said: Just Do It!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start successful brand positioning?
The very first thing to do is define your social media goals. That is, it is literally necessary to answer the question - what goals do you want to achieve with your social media strategy.

Comments (2)

 2022-05-31 -  Adam
You can determine whether or not a service is dependable by reading client reviews. Remember that presenting unnecessary facts could lead to someone accusing you of fraud. Furthermore, it does not appear proper for a company to rely solely on outside help. If the company is telling the truth, it will have enough individuals to help it.
 2022-06-02 -  Adam
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