Cloudways Review

Cloudways Review

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that offers flexible and reliable hosting services. With its pay-as-you-go service, every user can get started with Cloudways, irrespective of their business scale.

Additionally, the platform offers a 3-day trial that allows users to experiment with its features and assess whether it works for them or not without requiring credit card details.

And now, with the YBDIGITAL10% Off for 3 months promo code, you can take advantage of its exceptional services at a reduced cost.

What is Cloudways?

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that provides users with flexible and reliable hosting services. It offers cloud hosting using infrastructure cloud platforms.

Users can launch their web applications on its highly efficient servers that ensure reliability and ultra-performance to meet all business needs. Cloudways allows users to choose from three leading IaaS providers: DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services.

Key Features of Cloudways

Easy Migrations

With Cloudways' WP migrator plugin, users can migrate their WordPress sites from an old hosting provider to Cloudways quickly and for free.

Smooth Vertical Scaling

Cloudways' 1-click hosting feature allows users to instantly scale their resources, including RAM, CPU, and storage, without altering their customizations.

Support for Multiple PHP Versions and Apps

Cloudways supports multiple PHP versions, ranging from PHP 7.4 to the latest 8.2 version, and allows users to switch PHP versions with its 1-click solutions.

SSH and SFTP Access

Cloudways offers SSH and SFTP access, enabling users to securely access their servers, files, and folders. It also allows users to generate separate SFTP credentials for improved team collaboration.

Why Choose Cloudways?

Cloudways' managed hosting plan provides an ideal hosting environment for users who seek to maximize their website's speed, performance, and uptime. Its competitive services and flexible pricing make it an ideal choice for businesses of all scales.


Cloudways is a reliable and flexible cloud hosting provider that offers competitive services to meet the hosting needs of different businesses.

With the YBDIGITAL10% Off for 3 months promo code, users can now take advantage of its exceptional services at a reduced cost. Its pay-as-you-go service and 3-day trial provide an ideal opportunity for users to experiment with its features and assess whether it works for them or not.

Overall, Cloudways is an excellent option for businesses that seek a reliable and flexible hosting solution.

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