Ezoic's Game-Changing Payment Terms: Earn 2.25% From Your Websites More with Just a Click!

Discover how to supercharge your earnings on Ezoic with their latest payment term options. Dive deep into the benefits, from bonus percentages to flexible payouts, and learn how to effortlessly increase your revenue in a few simple steps. Your ultimate roadmap to smarter Ezoic earnings starts here.
Ezoic's Game-Changing Payment Terms: Earn 2.25% From Your Websites More with Just a Click!

Looking to boost your website earnings with just a few clicks? Ezoic has introduced an exciting new feature that allows you to choose from different payment terms and earn bonus percentages on top of your regular earnings. In this article, we'll guide you through how to make the most of this opportunity.

Ezoic: A technology websites optimization company

Ezoic is a cutting-edge platform designed for website publishers, offering an array of tools that leverage machine learning to optimize ad placements, user experience, and website speeds. In essence, it acts as a bridge between publishers and advertisers, ensuring that the former gets the best revenue possible from their content while visitors enjoy a seamless browsing experience.

Over the years, Ezoic has continued to innovate and offer new features to its users. One such exciting feature is the introduction of flexible payment terms, which promises to significantly boost your earnings. Whether you're already a part of the Ezoic community or just exploring options to monetize your website, understanding these payment terms could unlock a new avenue for revenue enhancement. Let's dive in and unpack how this feature can benefit you.

What are the New Payment Terms?

Ezoic now provides website owners with the option to select their preferred payment terms. The options available are:

Net 30:

Receive your earnings for a month 30 days later. For example, January earnings will be paid out at the end of February.

Net 60:

Receive your earnings for a month 60 days later with a bonus. Earnings for January will be paid out at the end of March with a 1.5% bonus. This means if you earned $10,000 in January, your payout at the end of March would be $10,150.

Net 90:

Receive your earnings for a month 90 days later with a higher bonus. Earnings for January will be paid out at the end of April with a 2.25% bonus. So, if you earned $10,000 in January, your payout at the end of April would be $10,225.

Note: The bonus rates are guaranteed through 2023, but may change after that year.

Why Choose Longer Payment Terms?

The idea behind the longer payment terms is simple. By allowing Ezoic to hold onto your earnings for a longer period, you'll receive a bonus percentage on top of your original earnings. It's a win-win situation, especially if you're not in urgent need of the funds right away.

How to Change Your Payment Terms?

Changing your payment terms with Ezoic is straightforward:

Log in to Your Ezoic Dashboard:

Optimize your site

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Maximize revenue

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Once you’re in, navigate to the payment settings section.

Select Your Preferred Payment Term:

Choose between net 30/60/90 based on your cash flow needs and desire to earn bonuses.

Save Your Changes:

Make sure to finalize your selection by saving your changes. Keep in mind that any changes to this setting must be made by the 15th of the month. If changes are made after this date, they will apply to the next pay period, and your current month's payment will be postponed.

The Magic Behind Ezoic's Bonus Payment Terms

You might wonder, How can Ezoic afford to offer these bonuses for extended payment terms? The concept is rooted in the principles of finance and cash flow management. By choosing extended payment terms, you're essentially allowing Ezoic to utilize the funds for a more extended period. This extended cash flow can be leveraged by Ezoic for various short-term investments or operational benefits. In return for this flexibility, they share a portion of their gains with you in the form of a bonus.

Advantages for Publishers:

  • Effortless Earning Boost: Without creating any additional content or driving extra traffic, you can increase your income.
  • Flexibility in Payout: Based on your financial situation and needs, you can choose when you want to get paid.
  • Strengthening Partnership with Ezoic: By opting for extended payment terms, you're showing trust and commitment towards your partnership with Ezoic. This often results in improved collaboration and benefits in the long run.
  • Cash Flow Planning: If you have a predictable income stream from other sources and do not require immediate payouts, this allows for better financial planning and utilization of your funds.

In essence, this new feature isn't just about delayed payments; it's an opportunity to maximize revenue in a partnership where both parties benefit.

In Conclusion

Ezoic’s new payment terms offer a fantastic opportunity for website owners to boost their earnings without any extra effort. By merely adjusting your payment terms, you can earn up to an additional 2.25% on your regular earnings. Evaluate your financial needs, and consider opting for a longer payment term if you're looking for an effortless way to increase your revenue. Happy earning!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Ezoic's new payment terms that promise higher earnings be aligned with promoting sustainable web practices?
Yes, Ezoic's new payment terms can be aligned with sustainable web practices by encouraging publishers to invest the additional earnings into eco-friendly initiatives or by optimizing their sites for energy efficiency and sustainability.
How can Ezoic’s new payment terms increase your website’s earnings?
Ezoic’s new payment terms offer an additional 2.25% earnings boost by optimizing ad placements and leveraging their network’s advanced monetization strategies, making it easier to maximize revenue with minimal effort.

Yoann Bierling
About the author - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.

Optimize your site

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Maximize revenue

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

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