Post link preview WordPress

By default, posts created in WordPress and scheduled for future publication, are not visible to users not logged in - both for the article, and for the preview.

Public post preview

By default, posts created in WordPress and scheduled for future publication, are not visible to users not logged in - both for the article, and for the preview.

WordPress website

In order to allow visitors to review one post, for example in case an article has been written in collaboration with an external party, two solutions are offered :

- Change the source code to allow visitors access to work in progress (advanced users, WordPress stackexchange),

Change the source code

- Install a WordPress preview plugin that will give the option to enable public preview (all users, Public post preview by Dominik Schilling).

Public post preview plugin

Public post preview WordPress

Starting with the creation of a new post, and setting it up for scheduled publication before activating  the WordPress   live preview:

Sharing both article link and preview link will lead to a 404 error, as article hasn't been published yet

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The simple solution is to install the plugin Public post preview by Dominik Schilling, which will give the option when creating a post to get a shareable link, that will allow anybody to preview the post, without having it released to the public on Internet - only people with this link will be able to access the post, and the post will not be shared on Google.

Then, going back to a scheduled post, a new option will be available: Enable public preview, with a public WordPress post link.

When checking the box, a new field will appear, with a visitor WordPress link preview to copy and paste to external reviewers:

They will now be able to see the post through  the WordPress   preview link, even though they aren't logged in  the WordPress   website administration!

Frequently Asked Questions

What techniques can WordPress bloggers employ to display rich link previews in their posts, enhancing reader engagement and content value?
WordPress users can display rich link previews by using plugins like WP Link Preview or Better Click To Tweet, which fetch and show a preview of the linked content, including title, image, and a brief description, similar to how links appear on social media platforms.

Yoann Bierling
About the author - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.

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