How Advertising Copy Works In E-Commerce

How Advertising Copy Works In E-Commerce

Creative are becoming more and more important. - You have probably heard this saying over and over again in the last few weeks and months. Because the Facebook algorithm receives less and less data from iOS 14.5, target group targeting is becoming more and more unspecific.

So the fact is: our advertisements have to get better so that we can still reach our target groups.

«Most of the time, when people talk about creatives, it's all about the graphics or the promotional videos. Yes, these two elements are an important part of advertising. But what is often forgotten is the advertising text», says Dona Apollo, an advertising brand writer from   company.

Because supposedly nobody reads texts these days anyway. But the reality looks different. Or why are you reading this blog article?

The advertising text:

  • Is the reason why the user is watching your promotional video.
  • Get the prospect to click the link.
  • Communicate the benefits of your product to your potential customer.
  • Present your product to the customer as a solution to their problem.

In summary: The sales text sells your product.

Step 1: Know your target group!

Good advertising copy is not written in your language, but in the language of your customer. Only if you know your target group really well can you use the exact words your customer would use.

Why is that so important?

How many ads do you see each day communicating past you? Probably hundreds. At first glance, you are like everyone else for your customer: you want to sell something to them.

You have to stand out from this gray mass!

And that is only possible if you write your sales text in the language of your target group. Because then your customer thinks: That's exactly for me. You want to achieve this effect.

How to write in the language of your target audience?

There is only one secret recipe here: research. No matter how big or small your online shop is: Your advertising copy will only sell profitably if you do your work in target group research.

You have two sources for target group research:

  • Content that your target group consumes:

These are, for example, blogs, YouTube channels, podcasts, books, etc. You can assume that successful “influencers” have a very good command of the language of their community and are therefore so popular.

  • Content that your target group produces itself:

This includes posts in forums or Facebook groups, product reviews, survey results, etc. Pay close attention to which idioms your customers use specifically.

The most valuable research results from direct customer surveys. You can get it via newsletter, for example. If you ask the questions skillfully, you can sometimes use idioms one-to-one for your advertising text.

Additional tip: If you look in product reviews, e.g. on Amazon, you can also find out which pain points your target group has and solve this pain with good text. Here you can see immediately what customers expect from the product and can put it into text.

Step 2: Your headline

As soon as you can write in the exact language of your customer, it comes to the headline. I don't mean the heading below the picture, but the heading in the primary text.

The headline sells your advertising copy.

Based on your headline, the user decides whether to read the rest of the text. As a result, seasoned copywriters spend more time finding a good headline than writing the actual sales copy.

Your headline needs to meet two criteria:

  • It should be short.
  • It has to generate curiosity.

You don't have a lot of time on social media. The user decides on the basis of seconds whether he is interested in your product. With a short headline that generates curiosity, you draw your customers into the advertising text.

The following headings are possible:

  • Description of the target state, e.g. more resilient through everyday life.
  • Formulate the problem as a question, e.g .: Are you stressed?
  • Describe USP, e.g .: The stylish organic wine.

It is best to write down several headings. The first headline that comes to mind is usually not the best. The more headlines you come up with, the more likely it is to have a really good one.

Step 3. What structure do you use for your advertising copy?

When the headline is ready, the next step is to write down the structure of your advertising text. Which structure you choose depends on your product. If your product is a problem solver, I recommend the following structure:

  • Headline
  • Describe the problem
  • Show the solution
  • Present the product as a unique solution
  • List product benefits
  • Call to action

If you sell a lifestyle product, such as wine, jewelry or the like, I would use this structure:

  • Headline
  • Build up an emotional state
  • Present the product
  • List product benefits
  • Call to action

If you write down the structure before the actual writing process, it will be easier for you to write your copy later. Then you don't have writer's block either.

Step 4. Formulate the structure

The structure is the framework for your advertising copy. This just has to be filled with life. Use the formulations from your target group research to speak the exact language of your customer.

Writing advertising copy is like playing Lego: you place one building block on top of the next. For example, if you get stuck with the “Show solution” block (see step 3), you can list the product benefits beforehand. This will prevent writer's block.

Step 5: Read aloud

If you have implemented steps 1-4, an almost finished advertising text is in front of you. Why an almost finished one? It's a first draft. Let this first draft rest for a day and read it again the next day.

Read the copy out loud.

Do this until you have a finish advertising copy in front of you. It's only finished when you don't get tangled up while reading it out loud.

I did the same with this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Advertising Copy Works In E-Commerce?
It is advertising text that motivates visitors to click on the right link to learn about the benefits of your product and how your product will solve their problems. For e-commerce, this means successful sales of your product.

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