7 Efficient Ways to Increase Your Productivity at Work

7 Efficient Ways to Increase Your Productivity at Work

Have you ever experienced finishing your workday with a feeling that you were not able to accomplish your to-do list completely? Sometimes, you start with a goal in mind, but at the end of the day, you realize that the task list was too long.

Being productive at work demands intense attention and can be difficult. Managing your time effectively is the key to achieving success. Not just that, you will have to assign your time logically to each task for better management.

So, let’s begin with some power tips that can help you boost your productivity.

#1. Stop Multitasking

First things first, wanting to complete multiple tasks altogether can be tempting. When tasks are smaller, you might think to complete them simultaneously, but that’s not quite possible. The human brain can work efficiently on one task at a single instance of time.

You cannot handle presentations and juggle phone calls while having your meals. Or, you will miss something that can be important for you and the business. Focus on one task at a time, and you will end up doing it efficiently.

#2. Set Small Goals

Starting a larger project that you need to complete by coming Friday can be stressful. If you look at your goal and break it into smaller tasks, you will feel lighter and more productive. Don’t just add the project name and its status to your to-do list; instead, break it into smaller tasks from initiation to completion phases.

It will allow you to keep track of all the tasks and will help you complete the project before the deadline. This way, even the bigger and complex projects will appear less complicated.

#3. Take Regular Breaks

Working for longer hours doesn't mean that you can complete your tasks early. If you are exhausted, take a short break and try to boost your mood so that you can start afresh and achieve better efficiency levels.

Take five minutes from your busy schedule to walk around the office or grab the mid-afternoon coffee, which will give you a boost. A light exercise while sitting on your work chair can help you stay healthy and prevent you from back pain or neck aches.

#4. Complete Bigger Tasks First

Setting aside bigger goals can give you short-term relief but adds to the stress levels towards the end of the day. When you decide to start these tasks, you feel so burned out that you find it difficult to focus on them.

Understanding your most active hours can help you stay organized and schedule your tasks accordingly. Similar to the work tasks, you can also divide your day into different slots for better productivity.

#5. Implement the Two-Minute Rule

By filling up the empty slots with important tasks, you can actually improve your productivity. Identify the tasks that are easy and do not demand much time and try to accomplish them in those two minutes when you are switching from one big task to another.

If you feel that you can complete a particular task in less than 120 seconds, complete it now. This can also be an opportunity to relax your mind while you are shifting your focus from a complex project to another big project.

#6. Declutter Your Computer

Whether you are using Windows or Mac, your computer demands regular cleanup. Remove every single chunk of data that is redundant and no more required. Also, terminate unnecessary junk files, temporary files, system cache, etc., from the hard drive.

If you are using a Mac, your computer can have multiple containers that are further divided into multiple volumes. You will need to delete other volumes in the container to make space on storage media for higher performance while handling bigger tasks.

#7. Update OS & Apps Regularly

Updating and upgrading your computer is the key to staying ahead of the productivity curve. Outdated operating systems and redundant software apps can make your system sluggish, and you may have to wait for a minute after every single click.

Though updating the operating system or applications doesn’t take more than a few seconds or minutes, based on the system performance, you must take it as an essential part of your day-to-day activity.


Staying active and productive at work is important, but all working days are not equal. Refocus on implementing these productivity tips while you are working in the office or at home. Once you find out what’s working for you, you will be amazed at how efficiently you can handle even the most complex tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do efficient ways of working really help?
The tips in this article will help you be productive at work and manage your time effectively to be successful. They will definitely help you improve your productivity.

Comments (1)

 2021-11-22 -  Regina
Yeah, taking regular breaks from time to time is very important. But you didn't say anything about choosing a place to work. Coworking is very popular today. Almost 90% people said that they are much more productive working there.

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