10 Microsoft Excel Formulas that Every Digital Marketer Should Know

10 Microsoft Excel Formulas that Every Digital Marketer Should Know

Digital marketing involves analyzing and tracking data. Marketers can perform accurate data analysis using Microsoft MS. Excel formulas. These formulas provide a fast and efficient way to calculate and present vital statistics,

MS Excel is a computer program that uses spreadsheets with formulas for data analysis. Big and small businesses also use it to track their sales inventories.

Since sales and marketing are an essential part of any business. MS Excel helps marketers understand strategies that are working and those that don’t work.

Excel can also be useful for marketing, and marketers can use Microsoft Excel formulas to calculate, track, and analyze different statistics. The analysis includes (Search-Engine-Optimization) SEO efforts, advertising methods, and total revenue. This helps them know which business aspect they could improve on.

It is important to use the best tools to get accurate results and make the best business decisions. Microsoft Excel can help you with that. It is a great analysis tool with the following formulas that digital marketers need to know.

But as a digital marketer, how can you maximize the potential of Microsoft Excel formulas?

How a Digital Marketer Uses Excel?

Digital marketers can use MS Excel to perform in-depth analyses and present reports. Excel is a powerful tool with functions that helps marketers get sights from their data. Its formatting options allow you to present engaging reports and handle large data sets.

Hence, it is important that you have enough mastery of the tool. There are a lot of options for marketers to learn MS Excel. Perhaps, they can enroll in interactive acuity training to expand their Excel knowledge.

The benefits of MS Excel include:

  • Efficient data storage
  • Standard formulas and easy calculations
  • Provides a great platform for data analysis and prediction
  • It has charts that provide easy data visualization

1. Find and Replace Function

Find and replace is a critical function in MS. Excel. For example, when creating a budget, you may need to quickly find and replace numbers or texts.

MS. Excel formulas allow you to quickly calculate the amount of money you need for your budget.

You can perform such actions using shortcuts like CTRL +H or the menu bar. You can learn how to use these features practically.

This function helps maintain consistency in your document. It allows you to increase typing speed and formatting. Find and replace have two options. You can decide to “replace all” or replace only one instance of a text or number.

2. Absolute Referencing Formula in Excel

Digital marketers work hard to make sure products and services are visible to customers. Search-Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way to ensure business visibility using keywords.

Microsoft Excel can help you track keywords that drive traffic to your website and calculate ROI. Using formulas like an absolute reference can help you track your profits and expenses.

An absolute reference in excel is a fixed location on a spreadsheet. You can create this location using a dollar sign when performing calculations. For example, $A$1 is a format for the absolute reference.

3. Table Formatting

Table formatting enables you to schedule your posts and analyze their performance. For example, social media helps you build a community interested in your brand.

You might need to analyze the number of followers and use MS Excel table formatting to calculate conversions. Table formatting allows you to gather and understand your data. You can calculate the average.

When analyzing data like social media engagement, you need to perform frequent data entry. Learning how to create a drop-down list and creating it helps to reduce repetitive typing and saves time.

It makes data entry work easier and faster. It also reduces the chances of making errors and increases accuracy.

4. Highlighting Duplicates in Excel

Highlighting duplicates is an important part of data analysis. For example, you may want accurate information about the advertisements that increase sales and those that don’t. This means you can analyze the cost of an ad and the number of clicks it generates.

You can further calculate the number of converted clicks and the profit using MS Excel formulas like sum, average, Vlookup, and concatenate. Performing these calculations and data entry may sometimes lead to duplicate figures or texts.

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When you know how to highlight duplicates in MS Excel, you can identify and remove them. Marketers need to analyze data without duplicates to get an accurate picture of their marketing campaign. They can know the ads that are working and those that are not working.


The SUMIF formula can help you extract the information you need from a table. For example, you may want to create a lead tracker to help you monitor the quality of traffic that comes to your website.

SUMIF is a function in Excel 2010 that allows you to see at glance traffic. You can use this formula if you want to fulfill certain conditions. This formula will make your data analysis easier.

6. Charting

Charting is a formula you can use when you want to present your marketing data to your team. It helps digital marketers present performance in an easy-to-understand format like pie charts, bar graphs, and line graphs. You can follow simple steps to create these charts in MS. Excel.

Select the data you want, then click insert. The next step is to choose a chart you like.

Marketers can also use charts in report writing. Looking at such reports helps you and other decision-makers plan future marketing strategies. For example, monthly reports can help you know where to allocate more resources in the future.

Well-documented reports with correct formulas and graphs can be a reference to your past performances. Reports show how your business has grown over time.


COUNTIFS is another Excel formula you can use to determine the number of cells in a particular collection. For example, the formula can tell you the number of times an item appears in a specific set of data.

Such formulas can be complex for beginners using spreadsheets for the first time. You can master how to write COUNTIF formulas in a training session. The training will teach you how to write COUNTIF syntax and arguments.


“IF AND” Excel formula helps determine if two or more conditions are true or false. Marketers can use “IF AND” to evaluate even huge data.

For example, if a condition is true, the result of the formula will be a “yes,” and if it is false, the result is a “no.” This makes it easy for marketers to filter and analyze their data.


VLOOKUP is a formula in Excel that means vertical lookup. It helps you search for a value in one column and return a particular value in the same row.

The VLOOKUP formula can return two values. For example, it can be 0 and 1. 0 means false, and 1 means true, depending on how you write your formula.

A digital marketer can use this formula to understand data quickly. For example, you can understand a marketing strategy that meets a particular condition and another that doesn’t.

10. IF Statement

The IF statement is another formula that helps you evaluate large data sets. It means you expect a specific result depending on the condition you set.

The IF statement can help you evaluate marketing performances. The formula will return a True or false statement when you apply it to your data.

Key Takeaway

Microsoft Excel is a tool that is readily available for marketers. These spreadsheets can help you build and track a successful marketing plan.

When working on an Excel sheet, learn how to use formulas. They help you organize your work, track leads and marketing ads, calculate your budget, and produce reports.

MS Excel spreadsheets make you work faster when using features like find and replace. It also ensures accuracy with the drop-down menu and the duplicate features.

Marketers need to calculate complex numbers, and tools like MS Excel formulas make such calculations easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use Excel for marketing?
Excel formulas provide a fast and efficient way to analyze and track the sales and marketing data of any business. MS Excel helps marketers understand which strategies work and which don't.

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