Website Content Media Network Earnings Report: April vs. March

Explore our April 2024 earnings report, featuring insights on EPMV and traffic trends, strategic changes, and growth plans for May. Discover how our content and partnerships are evolving to drive sustainable growth and increased revenue.
Website Content Media Network Earnings Report: April vs. March

In this latest update, we analyze the performance metrics of our website content media network for April, comparing them against March's figures. This analysis includes insights into EPMV, overall earnings, website traffic, strategic developments, and future plans.

EPMV and Earnings Comparison:

April saw a slight decline in EPMV to $7.84 from March's $8.12. Despite this minor decrease, EPMV remained robust, indicating consistent ad performance. However, overall earnings fell to $351.62 from March's $436.22, primarily due to a drop in website visits from 53,723 to 44,873.

Breakdown of Ad Partner Earnings:

Earnings distribution for April showed the following contributions from our ad partners:

The consistency in performance across these platforms underscores the importance of a diversified revenue strategy.

Detailed Analysis of Traffic Decrease and EPMV Increase:

Despite the decrease in overall traffic, the EPMV has shown resilience, indicating that the quality of traffic has improved or that ad placements have been more effective. This scenario suggests that the users who visited the site were more engaged, leading to better ad performance. The drop in traffic can be attributed to several factors, including seasonal variations, shifts in user behavior, and the impact of our recent content strategy adjustments.

Implications for Earnings:

The decrease in traffic resulted in lower overall earnings despite the strong EPMV. This highlights the need to not only maintain high-quality traffic but also to increase the volume to maximize revenue potential.

Strategies to Increase Earnings:

To counteract the decrease in traffic and earnings observed in April, we have formulated several strategies aimed at increasing both website visits and overall revenue. A key approach involves enhancing our content marketing efforts. By utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, social media campaigns, and email marketing, we can drive more traffic to our site. These methods will help us reach a broader audience and attract more visitors, ultimately boosting ad impressions and revenue.

Another important strategy is content diversification. Expanding the range of topics we cover, while still developing niche content, can help draw in a wider array of visitors. By offering a mix of broad-appeal articles and specialized content, we can cater to various audience segments, increasing overall engagement and reducing the risk of traffic drops.

Continuous optimization of our ad placements and formats is also crucial. By refining where and how ads are displayed on our site, we can enhance user experience and maximize EPMV. Experimenting with different ad formats, such as video ads or interactive ads, and using tools like Ezoic for automated optimization can lead to better ad performance and higher earnings.

Community engagement remains a pivotal element of our strategy. Deepening our interaction with online communities, particularly those related to our niche topics, can help boost traffic and user loyalty. Engaging content, regular updates, and active participation in community discussions can foster a sense of belonging and encourage repeat visits.

Finally, leveraging data analytics to monitor and understand user behavior on our site will inform our strategy adjustments. By analyzing which content and ads perform best, we can make data-driven decisions to enhance our website’s appeal and effectiveness. This continuous feedback loop allows for ongoing improvement and adaptation to changing user preferences and market trends.

These combined strategies—enhanced content marketing, diversification, continuous ad optimization, community engagement, and data-driven adjustments—are designed to address the current challenges and set the stage for sustained growth in traffic and earnings.

April's Strategic Changes:

April was a month of significant developments as we continued to expand our digital presence and strengthen our community engagement. One of the major initiatives was the development of new partnerships, most notably with Empire Flippers. By promoting their digital businesses for sale within our Facebook group, which now exceeds 5,000 members, we are providing our community, primarily digital publishers, with valuable opportunities to explore and invest in established online ventures. This partnership not only enriches the content we offer but also enhances the value proposition for our community members, encouraging more interaction and engagement within the group.

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We also made substantial progress with our tourist portal website, This site, aimed at the French-speaking community in Warsaw, saw significant enhancements through partnerships with local brands. These collaborations are designed to offer our users exclusive insights and promotions, further enriching their experience on the site. Additionally, we began working on English and Polish versions of to broaden its reach and make it accessible to a wider audience. By expanding the site's language offerings, we aim to attract more users and enhance its utility as a comprehensive resource for both locals and tourists.

Another strategic move in April was the promotion of Remoters for Warsaw. This initiative focuses on assisting French-speaking expatriates with finding suitable accommodations in Warsaw. Leveraging our local expertise and community network, we positioned ourselves as a go-to resource for newcomers. This not only supports expatriates in their relocation process but also strengthens our role as a community hub, fostering deeper connections and engagement among users.

Still around education, we continued to expand our business course offerings. We developed new courses from available content, focusing on topics such as SAP Material Master Essentials and PowerPoint 365. These courses are designed to meet the growing demand for professional development and specialized knowledge, further establishing our platform as a leading provider of high-quality educational content. By continuously enhancing our course portfolio, we aim to attract more learners and provide valuable resources that contribute to their professional growth.

Overall, the strategic changes implemented in April reflect our ongoing commitment to content diversification, community engagement, and educational expansion. These initiatives are aimed at driving traffic, increasing user engagement, and ultimately enhancing revenue growth. By focusing on partnerships, local content, and educational resources, we are laying a strong foundation for sustained success and continued growth in the digital landscape.

Strategic Outlook: Plans for May

April saw significant strides in content and partnership development, and May promises to build on this momentum with a focus on further expanding our educational and content offerings.

Expanding Educational Content:

We plan to continue our commitment to professional development by creating additional business courses:

  • SAP Material Master Essentials Part 2: Processes and Procurement
  • PowerPoint 365: Slide Design and Beyond
  • Impactful Presentations: Strategies for Success
  • SAP Material Master Essentials Part 3: Trading Process Basics
  • SAP Material Master Essentials Part 4: Advanced Trading Processes
  • SAP Material Master Customizing Part 1: Introduction

Developing Tourist Portal Websites:

Building on the success of, we plan to explore new tourist portals by developing additional local tourist websites for other destinations we've visited, such as Costa Rica, to enhance our travel content portfolio. We will also further develop by setting up partnerships with local brands, engaging our Facebook group of over 4,000 members, and expanding content to include English and Polish versions.

Community and Partnership Development:

In partnership with Empire Flippers, we aim to promote their digital businesses for sale on our Facebook group “Ezoic Premium, Web Monetization, Website Flipping For Web Publishers”, which has over 5,000 members, primarily digital publishers.

Additionally, we will promote Remoters for Warsaw, helping French-speaking expatriates in Warsaw find accommodation, thereby expanding our community support.

Construction Worker Sales Funnel:

To expand our construction worker sales funnel, we will add new content to Prêt-à-Travailler BTP Europe to attract more business clients. Additionally, we will conduct B2B cold calls and consider leveraging AI tools to generate leads, thereby broadening our client base and enhancing our outreach efforts.


April's performance, characterized by a slight decrease in traffic and overall earnings but resilient EPMV, underscores the importance of strategic content and partnership initiatives. As we move into May, our focus on expanding educational content, developing tourist portals, and enhancing community engagement is designed to drive sustainable growth and increased revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can spring season content impact website earnings?
Spring season content can attract more visitors interested in seasonal topics, increasing traffic and engagement. Coupled with optimized ad placements, this can positively impact website earnings.

Yoann Bierling
About the author - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.

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