What Makes A Good Blogger? Tips From The World's Best Independent Web Publisher 2021 Runner-Up

Blogging is a very recent activity, and most bloggers do it for pleasure, generally to share their knowledge or passion, sometimes to connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and rarely to turn it into a full time occupation.
What Makes A Good Blogger? Tips From The World's Best Independent Web Publisher 2021 Runner-Up

Did you know that there are nearly 2 billion websites registered and less than 200 million active websites? It is even estimated that there are around 600 million blogs, and most of them are hosted on a shared blogging platform.

While some bloggers might run several ones, it still shows the size of the competition: there are most likely millions of independent bloggers worldwide.

In January 2022, for the first time ever, a competition was launched: 35 bloggers, also called independent Web publishers, were chosen based on their tremendous traffic increase in 2021.

Yoann, a Premium Web Publisher, was one of them, and, at the end of the vote, he ended runner-up: elected World Wide Web's second-best blogger in the world out of a hundred thousand potential participants and hundred million peers.

But how did he get there? Let him share some tips that got his website network to thrive, with more than 400,000 unique visitors per month, turning his passion for blogging into a full-time occupation with 25 active websites.

Share What You Know

In his case, it all started with a first personal website. Whenever he was stumbling on a difficult problem at his IT consulting job, he would write the solution walkthrough in a specific WordPress article without really knowing what he was doing.

Finding solutions is difficult; writing them down takes time, making them understandable needs commitment, and sharing them takes courage!

However, the best way to become good at blogging, just as with any skill or domain, is to practice, find mentors, learn from the best, try, fail, and repeat.

He did it repeatedly, with a tenth of short blog articles with low-resolution pictures that were not working well.

However, the first step in becoming successful in blogging is to share what you enjoy and know best.

Be consistent and persistent

It takes a long time, especially for beginners, to get any blog to rank on search engines and find its audience. On average, any action on a website content takes around six months to be reflected in organic results, meaning picked up by search engines and ranked accordingly.

Therefore, the first articles on a new Web property, despite being shared with friends or colleagues on social networks, will take time to show any satisfying result.

Working harder, better, and applying the advice from more experienced bloggers is the best way to see results. Until then, it might seem very frustrating to not be getting any reward for all these efforts.

On an existing property, counting only on organic SEO efforts to pay off, it will take an average of 6 months. But on a new property, without any prior authorization, it will take years.

Find the best partners

Once the blog traffic starts increasing, consistent posting, SEO optimization, networking, and other honest ways to attract an audience, it might be time to turn this blogging passion into a side hustle.

Optimize your site

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Maximize revenue

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Just like with any other business, while it appears to be new and small, it will be challenging to start making money with blogging, not only because the traffic won't be sufficient to drive conversions but also because a lot of potential partners won't even be interested in any partnership.

Therefore, it is recommended to work with the best publishing partners to help you switch from lonely blogging to a full time occupation, provide free training, motivate you to keep working and help you improve your blog.

As soon as the traffic becomes serious, other potential partners will start knocking at the door, sending emails about monetizing the blog, guest posting on the blog, buying sponsored posts, or asking for another collaboration.

The more successful the blog is, the higher it ranks on search engines and the higher its authority score, the more solicitations will be received.

Set boundaries and goals

As your blog keeps growing, eventually, with the help of your publishing partners, you will quickly face another issue that must be anticipated: mental health is very important, and keeping a good work/life balance is especially difficult when you turn your passion into your work, and there are no more boundaries between working and resting.

Remember that the best way to keep being creative is to think about what works and what doesn't and take time away from the computer to consider the following steps to go.

Think about short term goals for the coming year, mid-term goals for the next three years, and long term goals above five years in the future.

In his case, his plan has been the following, based on his corporate job's highest salary:

  • Initial phase: Up to 10,000 monthly visits keep a job and blog only during free time,
  • Short term goal: During the first year blogging full time, exceed monthly earnings of 5% compared to the previous job, living on savings.
  • Mid-term goal: At the end of the third blogging year, exceed monthly earnings of 20% compared to the previous job, earning more than basic expenses to be able to live at least frugally,
  • Long term goal: Five years from leaving a corporate job exceed monthly blog earnings equivalent to 100% of what the corporate job was paying.

Keeping goals in mind, and tracking regular KPIs such as earnings progress and distance from the next destination, helps maintain a clear head and take civil actions.

Mind the long term to become a good blogger

To become a good blogger and eventually reach a level as high as the Best Publisher Of The Year, it is better to start with a clear plan in mind.

This will allow any blog creator to make the best decisions for the long term, overcome losses during difficult times that will indeed happen and avoid any corporate illness such as burnout, which is also very common for independent bloggers.

Follow these easy tips to speed up your success and turn your blogging passion into a full time occupation!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a blog good?
If you're wondering what makes a good blog, the key is to create and share what you love and know best. You also need to decide on your potential audience for which you will create your content. Further it will already be technical details.
Does Ezoic for blogger help in promotion?
Ezoic is definitely useful for bloggers in promoting their content. Since special tools will help analyze the work of your site, optimize it and suggest improvements. A professional team of specialists will help you increase your income and traffic.
What characterizes an independent blogger's work and lifestyle?
An independent blogger typically works from a personal space like a home office, creating content on topics they are passionate about. Their work involves researching, writing, and managing their blog, often juggling multiple roles such as content creator, editor, and marketer. Flexibility, creativity, and self-motivation are key traits of an independent blogger.
How does incorporating sustainability into blogging practices contribute to being a good blogger?
Incorporating sustainability into blogging practices, such as using energy-efficient web tools and creating content that raises environmental awareness, contributes significantly to the broader responsibility and appeal of a good blogger.
What qualities contribute to being a successful blogger?
A successful blogger consistently produces quality content, engages with their audience, masters SEO, adapts to trends, and continually learns to improve their blogging skills.

Yoann Bierling
About the author - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.

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Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

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Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

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