How To Make Money On A Science Blog?
Making money on a science blog
A large number of people now write down their ideas and thoughts in the form of various articles on the Internet, while one of the hobbies of modern people is blogging, which not only allows self-realization, but also makes a lot of money on it. For many people today, keeping blog is the main way of earning money, and there is no need to go to work every day at a strictly specified time.
However, there is a large group of people who are ready and able to blog on various topics, but still have certain fears in this regard, not knowing how to create a blog and how to start making money on it.
What are blogs and what are they like?
Initially, the blog was a kind of personal diary that a person kept on the Internet, writing down various thoughts and ideas. However, blogs are now becoming thematic, i.e. people choose a certain area (business, psychology, medicine, literature, etc.) and write articles about it, shoot videos, which are gaining the greatest popularity among viewers.
Blogs can be hosted on any platform or on a separate site. Among the main platforms for bloggers today, one can single out the YouTube channel, VK, Instagram.
Just like blogging on platforms, blogging on their own separate domains has advantages and disadvantages. So, for example, among the advantages of blogs located on third-party sites, the following can be noted:
- easy opening;
- the solution of technical issues is undertaken directly by the platform itself;
- free blogging;
- assistance in unwinding;
- various built-in monetization methods available.
However, at the same time, each platform also has disadvantages, in particular, the need to comply with the established platform rules, as well as the possibility of blocking in case of any, even minor, violations.
The advantage of blogging on your own site implies the ability to completely control it, as well as sell advertising, while receiving additional income. Also, if desired, the blog can be sold. The disadvantages of such blogs are the need for skills in creating and maintaining a site, solving all technical issues on your own, as well as paying for hosting and domain, which is about 3000 rubles per year and more.
How to start a science blog?
Science blogs cover a variety of science-related topics. At the same time, blogs can be large-scale, that is, the topic of articles is not limited, and highly specialized, that is, directly touch on one topic, for example, cardiology.
First of all, before starting a science blog, you need to define a goal. Most often, the goals of science blogs can be classified into two categories:
- providing data from our own research, observations;
- summarizing data from various authors of books, scientific articles, etc. on the topic of the blog.
In the future, you need to find your own audience, which will be relevant to the information presented in the blog. One of the important points in creating a blog is choosing a site or creating your own website. In this case, the choice will be influenced by the advantages and disadvantages discussed above.
When choosing a platform, there are also a number of features, for example, if the blog will be in the form of small notes, then it is better to use Twitter, if the posts are longer, then you can use platforms such as WordPress or Blogger. However, given the audience for which the articles are intended, it should be noted that academic style and writing for colleagues is best posted on Tumblr.
In the process of writing, you should draw up a certain plan for both blogging and for writing each individual post. To attract a larger audience, it is necessary to regularly and frequently add articles and notes on interesting topics, as well as adding a blog to various social networks. Another effective way to attract the target audience is to leave comments on such blogs and invite other authors to your place. In this case, you should consciously respond to comments under your posts.
In order for posts to be in the top lines in major search engines, it is necessary to analyze the most relevant headers and keywords of queries. It is necessary to carefully lay out radical statements, it is better to use reasoned contradictory ideas, since readers like various controversial articles.
If you do not have sufficient experience in writing blogs, it is best to use the ideas of other blogs on a similar topic, which are already in high demand among readers.
A few tips on how to start a science blog:
- 1. Choose your headlines and keywords wisely. The basics of search engine optimization (SEO) will come in handy to get your articles to the top of the search results.
- 2. Be careful with words. Remember: once you put something on the Internet, you no longer control this information, and this is especially important in matters of science.
- 3. Read other people's blogs and summarize the main points.
How to make money on a science blog?
Today there are a large number of ways to monetize a blog, among the main ones are the following:
- maintenance of a paid subscription;
- collection of donations;
- placement of paid links;
- provision of places for banner advertising;
- creating paid posts;
- direct advertising, etc.
Science Blog Web Hosting
Web hosting is the activity of providing storage space to individuals or organizations for websites accessible through the World Wide Web. Web hosting is a huge industrial industry today with nearly a billion websites.
There are several types of web hosting, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to WordPress, a Linux server is usually the best solution. However, if there is no experience to configure it, the main options may be as follows:
- virtual hosting,
- virtual private servers (VPS),
- dedicated servers and cloud hosting,
- content distribution network (CDN).
While WordPress technically works with each of these options, some are better than others, especially when you have a specific project.
Choosing the right solution depends on knowing the differences between these solutions, their strengths and weaknesses in terms of performance, and knowing how many blogs can work with them.
Shared (shared) hosting is the most appropriate option for beginners who are not versed in building websites, in this case, creating a website is the easiest of the options. It is also enough to simply contact support here. However, despite such a large number of advantages, there are also a sufficient number of disadvantages, among which the following can be distinguished:
- lack of security guarantees;
- restricting access to settings;
- sharing the site with other users;
- limited use of resources.
Shared hosting is most relevant if you just need to install a few plugins and a few pages on your site, without expecting a lot of traffic for a long time.
VPS hosting is the best solution if you need to run one or more sites, and each of them needs to have several pages and plugins installed.
Dedicated servers are the best option for those sites that require more security and use a lot of resources.
Science Blog Video Hosting
Video hosting is a service for viewing and adding videos in a browser through a special player. Today video hosting is replacing television. Users need them in order to view any content for free without having to download it to a computer. Video hosting is necessary for authors to promote a brand, attract an audience and monetize a channel.
To monetize a scientific blog, it is quite relevant to use the YouTube channel, which ranks 1st in the world in terms of the number of users. In addition to this, this video hosting has many other advantages, among which the following can be noted:
- the ability to communicate with the audience through private messages, discussions and comments;
- the ability to create polls;
- ease of live broadcasting;
- access to detailed site analytics;
- the ability to monetize through AdSense and the media network.
Among the shortcomings of the YouTube channel, one can only note a fairly high level of competition, as well as a large number of commercials.
Display advertising
Display advertising is one of the most popular ways to make money. In order to find out the advantages and disadvantages of using ad networks, consider the main ones.
Ezoic: technologies to optimize publishers websites and display advertisment earningsLet's consider the advantages and disadvantages of working with Adcash. Among the advantages of this advertising network are the following:
- Ability to manually select the displayed ad formats or use the auto-tagging feature.
- A wide range of ad types and niches in which the company operates.
- The customer support team is powerful, with dedicated account managers ready to answer questions in multiple languages.
Among the disadvantages of working in Adcash are the following:
- There is a minimum payment threshold of 25 USD / EUR.
- It is quite difficult to keep track of information about different payment rates on a website.
Adsense has no minimum traffic standards. However, publishers who want to run Adsense ads on their sites must have a certain amount of organic traffic, and the site must be at least a few months old to be approved by Adsense. If you already have an Adsense account, you can advertise on any website and you don't have to worry about the approval part.
Adsense holds 32% for display ads and 50% for search ads. This gives publishers 68% of Adsense for content and 50% of AdSense for search. Adsense for search is applicable, and if you have a website that can attract a large number of visitors, then use your site's search function enough and therefore enabling Adsense for search increases your overall income. AdSense for search CPC is typically 1.5 times higher than AdSense for content.
Google AdSense - Earn Money From Website MonetizationThus, we can say that in the fight against AdSense against AdCash, according to most criteria, AdSense wins, being the most effective way to make money.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are effective ways to monetize a science blog without compromising scientific integrity?
- Science blogs can monetize through partnerships with educational institutions, selling science-related merchandise, or offering premium content.