Our Ezoic Highlights for January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Looking for the latest Ezoic highlights? Look no further! Our 2022 recap includes all the biggest developments in website optimization, ad revenue, and user experience. Discover the latest insights and trends that will help you take your website to the next level. Check out Ezoic's 2022 highlights now!
Our Ezoic Highlights for January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

This year has been a tremendous success for our websites, thanks in part to our partnership with Ezoic. We're proud to share that our sites received over 4 million visits, and our revenue put us in the top 4% of Ezoic publishers. While revenue is an important metric, we're equally proud of our achievements, which include creating engaging video content, improving website speed, and supporting charitable causes. We couldn't have accomplished these milestones without the advanced tools and technology provided by Ezoic, which have helped us enhance our user experience and drive success for our websites. In this article, we'll dive deeper into each of these achievements and share the insights and strategies that made them possible. Whether you're looking to improve your website's revenue, speed, or user experience, we hope our journey with Ezoic will inspire you to reach new heights in your own digital endeavors.

Our Ezoic highlights 2022

This year has been a huge success for our websites, with a total of 4,303,092 visits. To put that number into perspective, it's enough people to fill up the Stadium 974 (World Cup Stadium) 98 times over! Just imagine the excitement and energy that would bring. It's a testament to the hard work and dedication put into creating and maintaining our websites, and we couldn't be more proud of this achievement. The crowd goes wild indeed!


We're thrilled to announce that this year, our websites had 206,011 repeat visitors. These are visitors who loved our content so much that they kept coming back for more. It's a testament to the quality and relevance of the content we offer and the value we provide to our readers. We're proud to have built a loyal following who trust us to deliver the information they need. We're grateful for their continued support and look forward to welcoming even more repeat visitors in the future. Thank you for just keep coming back!

Site speed

We're excited to share that this year, Ezoic Cloud has been a game changer for our website speed. On average, Ezoic Cloud served our content 26% faster than our uncached pages. This means that our readers are enjoying a smoother and faster browsing experience on our website, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction. With Ezoic Cloud's advanced caching technology, we're able to provide lightning-fast page loads, which is crucial in today's fast-paced digital landscape. We're proud to have partnered with Ezoic Cloud and look forward to continuing to deliver an exceptional user experience to our visitors.


It's always fascinating to see what drives visitors to our websites, and this year was no exception. While our visitors spent time on our sites, we noticed that many of them couldn't stay away from SAPGUI. However, the most popular search term that led visitors to our site was Post on Instagram. It's a testament to the ever-growing popularity of social media platforms like Instagram and the importance of creating content that's relevant and helpful to our visitors. We're thrilled to be a trusted resource for those looking to expand their social media presence and look forward to continuing to provide valuable content that meets their needs.

Our top 3 pages this year, by visits, were:

International reach

If we could visit each country our visitors are from, we'd have 234 stamps in our passport.

Here are the top 5 countries our visitors came from...

  1. Germany - 336,152 visits
  2. United States - 262,272 visits
  3. Poland - 212,037 visits
  4. Russia - 194,885 visits
  5. France - 179,626 visits

Should we take a trip?

Revenue - total

We're thrilled to announce that in 2022, our websites earned a grand total of $25,632. This is a significant achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in creating high-quality content that resonates with our readers. To put this number into perspective, it's enough to fly from New York City to London 57 times! We're proud of the value we've been able to provide to our visitors and the revenue we've generated from our website. It's a true testament to the power of digital media and we're excited to continue growing and expanding our offerings in the future. Thank you for being a part of our success story!

Revenue - EPMV

The page on our website that earned the most revenue this year was Arrows Not Moving Cells In Excel [SOLVED]. The month we earned the most revenue from our content this year was September. During that month, our average EPMV was $7.40.

Top percentile

We're thrilled to share that our websites' revenue has put us in the top 4% of Ezoic publishers. This is a significant achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in creating high-quality content that resonates with our readers. It's a true honor to be among the top earners on the Ezoic platform, and we're excited to be recognized for our efforts. Welcome to the big leagues indeed! We're committed to continuing to provide exceptional content and experiences to our visitors and to growing and expanding our offerings to stay at the forefront of the digital media landscape. Thank you for being a part of our journey to success!


Optimize your site

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Maximize revenue

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

After analyzing our website's revenue data, we noticed an interesting trend: our sites earned the most revenue when the weather outside was clear sky. While this may seem like a coincidence, it highlights the importance of understanding and catering to our visitors' interests and behaviors. It's possible that clear skies encourage more people to spend time online, leading to increased traffic and revenue on our site. Whatever the reason may be, we're thrilled to have identified this trend and look forward to using it to inform our future content and marketing strategies. It's just another example of how data analysis can help us better understand our audience and drive success for our websites.


This year, we had an incredible video output, with a total of 335 videos created using Flickify. By using this advanced video creation tool, we were able to save about 15,075 minutes on video creation alone. This gave us the time and resources we needed to focus on making our websites better and improving our overall user experience. Flickify's user-friendly interface and advanced features allowed us to create engaging and professional-looking videos in a fraction of the time it would have taken using traditional video creation methods. We're grateful for the opportunity to use cutting-edge technology like Flickify to enhance our content and drive success for our websites. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Video views

Our top video was Top 5 Asian Destinations for Digital Nomads with 229,274 plays.

We're excited to announce that the total watch time of all our videos this year was 1,375,966 minutes. That's an incredible amount of time spent engaging with our content and speaks to the quality and relevance of our videos. To put this number into perspective, it's enough time to watch our favorite sitcom 45,865 times through! It's a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team in creating engaging and informative video content that resonates with our viewers. We're grateful for the opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise through video and look forward to continuing to provide valuable content that meets the needs of our audience. Thank you for being a part of our success story!

Video revenue

While our videos were a hit with our viewers, they also generated revenue for our websites. This year, our videos earned us a total of $722. While this may not be enough to see us on the red carpet anytime soon, it's a significant achievement and a testament to the power of video content in driving website revenue. We're thrilled to have been able to monetize our videos and generate additional income for our websites. It's a true honor to be recognized for our efforts, and we're committed to continuing to create high-quality video content that resonates with our audience and drives success for our websites. Who knows, maybe someday we'll make it to the red carpet after all!


While revenue is certainly an important metric, it's not the only measure of success. This year, we're proud to have achieved 4 major milestones that demonstrate our commitment to excellence and dedication to delivering exceptional content and experiences to our visitors. These achievements represent countless hours of hard work and collaboration from our team, and we couldn't be more thrilled to celebrate them. Whether it's improving website speed with advanced caching technology, creating engaging video content, or providing valuable resources to our visitors, each achievement brings us one step closer to our ultimate goal of being a trusted and respected source of information and inspiration. So let's celebrate these achievements and look forward to even more success in the future!

Charity ads

We're thrilled to share that this year, our websites had a total of 700,463 charity ad impressions. This means that we were able to use our platform to make a positive impact on society while also supporting good causes. By showcasing ads for charitable organizations, we're able to drive engagement and awareness for important causes while also improving our SEO by increasing our website's relevance and authority. We're proud to have been able to leverage our platform for good and look forward to continuing to support charitable organizations in the future. Thank you for being a part of our journey towards making a positive impact!

Use Ezoic!

This year has been a big success for our websites, thanks in part to our partnership with Ezoic. Our sites received over 4 million visits, and our revenue put us in the top 4% of Ezoic publishers. While revenue is important, we're also proud of our achievements, which include creating engaging video content, improving website speed, and supporting charitable causes. We're grateful for the advanced tools and technology provided by Ezoic, which have helped us achieve these milestones while also enhancing our user experience. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Ezoic and building on our success in the future.

They enjoyed helping us grow in 2022 and we're looking forward to 2023!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do annual highlights, like those from Ezoic for 2022, reflect the integration of sustainable practices in digital advertising?
Annual highlights from Ezoic can reflect the integration of sustainable practices in digital advertising by showcasing trends in eco-friendly ad content, improvements in energy-efficient ad delivery, and the overall impact on reducing digital carbon footprints.
What are some key highlights of using Ezoic throughout the year?
Key highlights include increased ad revenue, improved site speed and performance, access to advanced analytics, and the benefits of Ezoic's optimization tools in driving traffic and engagement.

Yoann Bierling
About the author - Yoann Bierling
Yoann Bierling is a Web Publishing & Digital Consulting professional, making a global impact through expertise and innovation in technologies. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in the digital age, he is driven to deliver exceptional results and drive growth through educational content creation.

Optimize your site

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

Maximize revenue

Increase ad revenue 50-250% with Ezoic. A Google Certified Publishing Partner.

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