Expert Ezoic Review - Means To Increase Advertising Performance Of A Website

The Ezoic platform has appeared recently, but has already managed to make some noise. Why the unique resource is attractive and why the number of enthusiastic users is only growing is described in the review
Expert Ezoic Review - Means To Increase Advertising Performance Of A Website

The  Ezoic platform   has appeared recently, but has already managed to make some noise. Why the unique resource is attractive and why the number of enthusiastic users is only growing is described in the review

Ezoic: a complete overview of the platform

It is more logical to start the Ezoic review by defining the subject of research. Ezoic is a platform created in 2010 specifically for testing ads - in the form of, for example, ad layouts or already published ads.

At the same time, advertising using Ezoic is tested directly on the site for which the advertisement is intended - to increase its effectiveness, and, ultimately, to constantly increase sales.

Ezoic is a comprehensive platform that provides publishers and bloggers with a complete set of options to monetize and improve their websites.

The Ezoic Ads testing tool automatically analyzes ad density, ad position, and the behavior of different segments of visitors when they visit your site to see what ad configuration should be shown to any user.

And Ezoic is great friends with other ad networks, if you install the add-on application to your personal Ezoic account. Thanks to the special Mediation application, you can include any ads in the automated testing of Ezoic.

Ezoic has regular platform updates: this is how all the positive Ezoic experiences are taken into account and combined.

Ezoic specifics

Since is an official Google ad-Exchange partner, the platform can easily optimize any display advertising not only from Google Ads, but also from other sources.

Thanks to special machine learning algorithms, the smart platform takes into account all the nuances of page ranking on the Internet, compares them - and offers the most successful solution. Thus, the site owner gets an overview of the situation how my advertising works and how best to spend money on advertising.

Of course, the effectiveness of the platform depends on such objective factors as the target audience of the promoted site and the specifics of its content.

Purposes of using Ezoic

First of all, ezoic integration makes the website a salesperson, with the maximum involvement of the target audience. This works as a virtual publisher success manager - he performs several functions in order to increase the profitability of ads placed on the site:

  • search for the most suitable layouts for a specific site;
  • optimization of ads using the most successful ad combinations, etc.

The use of Ezoic allows you to increase the profitability of advertising at least twice, or even three, four and even five times (250%!)! For some, sales have grown much more - six, seven, eight times, and this is not the limit.

So, on the official portal Ezoic LEAP, the company promises an increase in advertising revenues by at least 60% and by 200% on average.

At the same time, profitability is normally growing constantly, because the site is permanently monitored by its owner and is rapidly improving.

Ezoic exclusive Website SEO optimization technologies

On top of increasing your website earnings if you choose to monetize with them, and even if that is not the case, Ezoic creates exclusive website SEO optimization technologies that can be used free of charge by all publishers that are joining the platform. Here are some of them – the list is constantly increasing!

Ezoic AdSense mediation

While the Ezoic AdSense mediation is not directly an SEO optimization, Ezoic is using its technologies to limit as much as possible the possible site speed load due to ads displayed by the Ezoic header bidding technologies by the use of their exclusive CDN and LEAP technology that optimizes website load speed, by storing and delivering copies of your pages from a server closer to your audience location, thus making it all faster and ranking higher.

Ezoic layout tester

Exclusive web optimization technologies such as the layout tester allows for Artificial Intelligence to try various display themes for your website, and find the ones that are better working with your audience.

Title tag optimization

With a built-in tool that lets you enter various titles for your pages, the AI will try on your behalf these different titles on your page and see which ones ranks higher and gets you the best SEO optimization.

SEO tag tester: read how we optimize title tags to rank higher on text search results

Self-hosting videos

Using their exclusive video hosting system, that can even be used on top of YouTube, your videos will be ranked individually by search engines, as they will appear to be hosted on your Web domain, instead of simply being part of another platform’s total video catalog.

Self hosted videos: read how we get our videos to rank first on search results

EzoicLEAP gives you 100% site speed score

Their CDN works in cooperation with a tool called EzoicLEAP that optimizes everything that can be optimized on your website on your behalf, such as image compression, libraries minization, pre-connection to external resources, and many more.

EzoicLEAP and CDN: how we got perfect 100% on Lighthouse test

Core Web Vitals optimization

By using the EzoicLEAP tool, the core web vitals, an important metric used by search engines to rank websites among them, helps all websites using this tool to get a score as high as possible with minimum efforts.

Ezoic CDN: how we increased our Core Web Vitals and got green

Exclusive data analytics reports

The BigDataAnalytics tool gives access to exclusive data analytics reports that will help any Webmaster using them to find out which content really works and how to optimize it, with reports such as revenue per author or best converting article length, among many other reports.

BigDataAnalytics: how we optimize our content with secret data reports

Ezoic earning proof

But before even deep diving into what Ezoic really is, we can have a look at a real earning proof, with a passive monthly earning for April 2022 of more than US$2500 with exclusive Ezoic AdSense mediation system.

There are several ways to get paid, and Payoneer is probably the best for customers that aren’t located in the United States, as the commission is lower than using PayPal, and direct bank wire transfers aren’t possible.

However, the below payment slip of US$2500+ having been transferred on my PayOneer account should convince you to try Ezoic on your own sites and take your online business to the next level!

Ezoic earning proof of more than US$2100 passive income for the month of May 2022

The new automated testing tool is suitable for four types of advertisements:

All of the above types of advertising can be served on the site in a form that is very unattractive for the target audience - randomly, out of place, fragmentarily, creating an unpleasant impression and even repulsive with its inappropriateness. Ezoic, in cooperation with most high-quality ad networks, allows you to select only those ads that are most desirable for a specific target audience of a specific resource.

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Each time a visitor visits the site, he sees an advertisement in a new submission (according to a new placement scheme). The system reacts to user behavior (so-called behavioral factors), analyzes and registers this data, taking into account geolocation and other significant circumstances.

Ezoic operating principles

The platform, using the method of automatic data processing (the so-called experimental search technique, which implies combining impressions from several ad slot layouts to determine the most effective options and creating an associative database targeting - display scheme), allows you to show website visitors the most clickable advertisements - which have already established themselves as attractive content for the target audience.

The advertiser receives objective data concerning:

  • the likely results of a change in the site design (potential metamorphoses are made both with a ready-made layout and with the existing design of the tested site);
  • the actual time of the visitor's presence on the site / the number of pages that visitors go to (view).

The system provides information with specific visual statistical reporting - in the form of detailed data on the  Big Data Analytics   dashboard. This is very convenient for visualizing income, since it is possible to establish their objectification by several parameters:

  • for a specific device (laptop / PC / mobile gadget);
  • by average tracking UTM;
  • on each page / mail;
  • by URLs / countries;
  • by traffic source.

Thus, the advertiser receives a specific metric of the performance of his advertising, because he immediately sees which articles earn more, how much money for advertising will bring real income, and in which direction of advertising it is simply pointless to invest.

Ezoic's review would be incomplete without mentioning one more feature: the system's ability to store information to adapt future announcements. Thus, the site does not just work here and now, but has a cumulative ability to assimilate data.

How to use ezoic

The scheme of using Ezoic is simple, and consists of several sequential steps:

  • go to a site whose advertising needs optimization;
  • create your Adsense account on the ezoic platform;
  • integrate, for example, using CloudFlare, with Ezoic: it is congruent with any platform.

In order to use the premium paid version of  Ezoic premium,   an invitation is required. There are only two conditions:

  • an adsense account;
  • proof that the site has at least 10,000 monthly visits.

How to prove that a site is actually getting 10,000 monthly visits to join Ezoic Premium? The best way is to use your personal Google Analytics account. With her, no other facts are required!

How to set up your ad testing yourself

In general, there is a special tutorial on YouTube - a video that teaches Ezoic users to test their ads on the platform. Among other things, there is a lesson on how to pack all advertisements posted on the site into a single block - this is the first important step to launching testing.

To make access to the system extremely simple and fast, it is recommended to install the Ezoic Chrome addon.

Three steps to get the most out of your ad

To use the full potential of the creators of the platform, it is recommended to do three additional steps:

  • load Ad Tester (only ads are tested, not their layouts) or layout Tester (ideally, an automated, intelligent testing machine will test different types of ads, along with different layouts);
  • upload all ads to the site (this way Ezoic will test more combinations and give better results);
  • analyze the data (using a special function).

As a result of the work of Ezoic, you will not only get an invaluable user experience of the advertiser, but also increase your income from promotions in the subject, eliminating the cost of advertising that does not bring profit.

Advantages and disadvantages of the platform

Like any other product, Ezoic has pros and cons. Of course, the latter are many times less - otherwise this tool would not be so relevant.

The virtues of the Ezoic

This is a truly mobile and very “friendly” service! First of all, because advertising testing can take place on any device connected to the Internet:

  • personal stationary computer;
  • mobile phone / smartphone;
  • the tablet;
  • notebook.

The user of the platform does not in the least lose control over his site: all the levers of control remain unchanged.

At the same time, the site owner gets the opportunity to adjust (depending on the type of his device) the traffic intensity, maneuvering between its two values:

  • traffic destined for the original site;
  • traffic to Ezoic.

Finally, Ezoic is versatile as it works with a wide variety of ad networks. Only in this way, thanks to the free choice of ads, the quality of advertising on the site can be brought to the maximum possible.

Ezoic Disadvantages

If communication with technical support matters, then this platform does not provide for chats with employees at all! Instead of chats, the platform offers the so-called. ticket system - limited information and advisory service.

Ezoic review in short: pros and cons

  • Increases AdSense earnings by 200% to 800% on average
  • Free and easy to use
  • Includes many tools to increase SEO and optimize website
  • Real human support for standard optimization
  • Ezoic premium increases ads earnings by an extra 10%
  • No contract, can be stopped at any time by the push of a button
  • WordPress plugin
  • Monetization adds one extra ad, or takes 10% of generated income
  • Technical support with tickets only

Platform cost

How much will it cost to the owner of a selling site to have a personal automated publisher success manager? Zero dollars if you use the basic version, for example, Ezoic Leap! It does not need a contract, no payment, or the fulfillment of the obligation to pay a percentage of income. But this platform tool includes a full set of functions:

  • replacing poorly performing plugins;
  • containing options to speed up the subscription (the fact is that the platform does not start instantly, but after loading, which takes from several hours to several days, and extensive testing of a site with high traffic can take 1 month).

Why are the basic versions free? Ezoic will receive its commission for displaying an ad at the bottom of your site (a 10% of all earnings must be kept by the platform to remove this ad).

Another thing is when the extended premium versions of the platform are connected, their monthly cost is $ 49. By the way,  Ezoic premium,   which informs about more productive advertising, has several options, each of which has three levels. For a fee, Ezoic displays higher paying ads on your layout, thus generating more profit for you.

Ezoic Premium is recommended for those who are interested in very high income from the site.

Frequently asked questions about Ezoic

  • My website has been rejected by Ezoic, what can I do? Depending on the reason why Ezoic rejected your website, you can reapply at any time whenever you have correct the issue, generally due to bad traffic or content not unique.
  • Is this Ezoic review real? Yes, this website is monetized and optimized by Ezoic, and it works great for us! We increased display ads earnings by more than 300% since we switched to Ezoic vs AdSense.
  • Ezoic did not approved my site, can I reapply? If your website was not approved by Ezoic then the best is to work on creating better content, and reapply when your content is unique and your audience is real.
  • What are the Ezoic new requirements? Since May 2021, the Ezoic new requirements with their program Ezoic AccessNow are that no minimum pageviews are required to use their website optimization tool and their website display advertisement optimization technology.

More Ezoic reviews and information

Ezoic Premium Review – Is It Worth It?
★★★★★  Expert Ezoic Review - Means To Increase Advertising Performance Of A Website How can you subjectively evaluate this unique platform? From the standpoint of its novelty - by five points out of five: at the time of creation of Ezoic there were no similar tools (now there are many analogues, but all of them are not so well thought out, convenient and effective). From the point of view of practical use - similarly, the highest score. And it would also be appropriate to put 5 for the potential that can be used by a 100% attentive Ezoic user who has studied all the possibilities of this functional resource!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would a major publisher partner with Ezoic?
Websites using Ezoic has the ability to find the most suitable layouts for a particular site and optimize ads using the most successful ad combinations, etc. This will greatly improve and optimize your online experience and improve monetization.
How can I apply for Ezoic Premium?
In order to use the premium paid version of Ezoic Premium, an invitation is required. There are only two conditions for obtaining this confirmation. You must have an AdSense account and proof that the site has at least 10,000 monthly visits.
Can you provide proof of earnings from using Ezoic?
Yes, Ezoic provides a dashboard where you can view detailed earnings reports and analytics. These reports serve as proof of earnings, displaying your website's revenue performance, including metrics like EPMV (Earnings Per Thousand Visitors) and overall income generated through Ezoic's platform.
How does improving advertising performance with Ezoic affect a website's sustainability?
Improving advertising performance with Ezoic can positively affect a website's sustainability. Efficient ad placements and load times reduce energy consumption and digital waste, making the website more eco-friendly while also enhancing ad performance.
What methods can enhance advertising performance using Ezoic?
Enhancing advertising performance with Ezoic involves optimizing ad layouts with their AI tools, using mediation to get better ad deals, and continuously testing ad placements for the best results.

How To Add A Site On Ezoic? Part 1: DNS Integration

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