When buying domain names registered at GoDaddy.com, for example on their auction website for redirection to another website in order to increase its traffic, it is necessary to have the domain name redirecting to the web hosting server (for example ex2 hosting).
First step : getting the confirmation email that the domain name has been successfully registered at godaddy
Domain transfer request completed email
Then, login onto the website, click on your user name in the top right corner, and select Manage My Domains
Manage My Domains menu
In the tile belonging to the target website, for example lifetravelsv.com, click on the gear, and select Manage DNS
Manage DNS of a specific domain tile
The Nameservers of GoDaddy will be displayed here – it might be that you want to change them. But, if GoDaddy is the registrar, and target website is hosted at another company like ex2 hosting, it is easier to keep it as it is, and only modify the Records (see below)