
Ubuntu 11.04 – get Gnome desktop back

You just upgraded your Ubuntu for 11.04 [1], and don’t like the new Unity desktop interface (Fig 1), so you would like to get back to the good old Gnome one (Fig 2), to get back your applets and other things. Or maybe you are not sure for the moment if you should upgrade your Ubuntu or not.

Ubuntu 11.04 new desktop interface Unity
Fig 1 : Ubuntu 11.04 new desktop interface Unity
Ubuntu 11.04 former desktop interface Gnome
Fig 2 : Ubuntu 11.04 former desktop interface Gnome

Anyway, do not panic, you can easily, in Ubuntu 11.04, get back to Gnome (Fig 2).

I was personally surprised, after upgrading to 11.04, to loose the most important and usefull parts of my desktop interface, which are the dashboard applets (Fig 3).

Gnome desktop interface dashboard applets
Fig 3 : Gnome desktop interface dashboard applets

But t is so easy to change and get back to the Gnome desktop (Fig 2). You just have to disconnect (Fig 4), if you haven’t already did.

Ubuntu disconnect user
Fig 4 : Ubuntu disconnect user

Then, select Ubuntu classic [2] (Fig 5) after you choosed your user on login screen.

Ubuntu choose desktop environment
Fig 5 : Ubuntu choose desktop environment

You then just have to log in, and will find back your Gnome environment (Fig 2), with your favorite applets (Fig 3) !