
Excel 2013 order a list and remove duplicates

Ordering a list and removing duplicates is a common and useful operation, when working with data lists : email addresses, invoice numbers, values, …

One solution to quickly process large sets of data can be to use Notepad++.

Another possibility is using Excel 2013 from Microsoft Office 2013 suite.

Excel remove duplicates - unordered data set
Excel remove duplicates – unordered data set
Excel remove duplicates - unordered data set selected
Excel remove duplicates – unordered data set selected




Starting with your set of data, select the column(s) for which you want to remove duplicates.





Then, from the DATA menu, select the “Remove duplicate” options.


Excel data remove duplicates menu
Excel data remove duplicates menu

In the popup, select if your data has header or not (meaning, a first line that will not be considered in the operation), and the columns you want to consider, and click Ok.

Excel data remove duplicates popup options
Excel data remove duplicates popup options

You should get a confirmation with the amount of duplicates deleted and unique values remaining.

Excel data remove duplicates success message
Excel data remove duplicates success message

Finally, you might want to sort the data. Keeping your selection, in the same DATA menu, select ascending or descending sort, and voilà !

Excel data sort menu
Excel data sort menu
Excel data sorted without duplicates
Excel data sorted without duplicates