How to manage recurring journal entries in FIORI apps?
Manage recurring journal entries in SAP Cloud
The SAP FIORI application manage recurring journal entries is the next step for a General Ledger Accountant to perform common operations after having checked balance sheets in display financial statement SAP FIORI application , all accessible from the FIORI interface .
Start by opening the SAP FIORI application manage recurring journal entries .
Manage Recurring Journal Entries – SAP Help Portal

Manage recurring journal entries app
Once in the manage recurring journal entries app, the last used company code will be selected by default to filter on the journal entries display.
It is possible to modify the journal entries as you like.
Let’s select one of the journal entries and click on display to see its details.

Once in a recurring journal entry, several tabs are available: header, attachments, notes, and balances.
The line items are displayed below.

Recurrence rules display
The recurrence rule is also displayed, with its frequence, occurence date, and ending criteria.
Below the recurrence rule, the postings are available.
Every time the journal entry should be posted, it is possible to activate it.
The whole detail of a posting, either past or to come, are accessible.The column journal entry will contain direct links to the specific journal entry occurences that have been triggered by this reccuring journal entry.
Click on a journal entry number and then on manage journal entries to see its details.

Journal entry detail
The journal entry detail displays all the line items related to that journal entry.
After having updated or checked the journal entry, the next step in the accountant duties is to perform an audit journal .
Journal entry definition — AccountingTools
What is a journal entry? | AccountingCoach