To activate this possibility, go to the options and find the linked accounts menu in settings.
Linked accounts menu in instagram settings
From there, make sure there is a Facebook account active, and that it shares to the correct Facebook page. This is especially important for a professional Instagram account, as the stories have to be shared on the Facebook page, and not on a private Facebook.
Facebook connection setup in instagram
Instagram sharing to Facebook page
Then, in options, go to Story settings.
Story settings in instagram options
Here, at the bottom, is an option how to share Instagram story to Facebook, which is not activated by default – and have to be reactivated everytime the account is switched on the application.
How to share instagram story to facebook option
Activating the “share your story to facebook” button will make the sharing being done automatically from istagram !
Can you see how many times someone views your instagram story ? Unfortunately no, you can only know if they have seen it at all.
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Do people know when you screenshot instagram story ? Does Instagram notify when you screenshot a story ? Does Instagram show when you screenshot a story ? No, there is no way for anybody to know when you take a screenshot on your phone using built in functions. instagram download app store facebook download app store
The over way around, instagram post via facebook is not possible at the moment, this is what is instagram on facebook. Facebook instagram works only from instagram, as facebook is the one who owns instagram.