Lebara Internet activation code
Lebara activate Internet
After having purchased a SIM card from Lebara, and having registered in onto their network, which is a mandatory step, top it up with some credit online.
In case the 2G / 3G / 4G phone or internet connection does not work, even if you are not roaming, there is some extra Internet activation code that must be registered in the phone, by going to Settings > More > Cellular networks > Access Point Names.
International SIM card and topup
There, tap on the add icon to create a new APN (short for Access Point Name), and enter this information, that has to be changed according to your country.

Access Point Name and Username will change depending on the country in which you are connecting to Internet, see below a step by step guide on how to make this configuration for the country you are in.
Step 1 : open Settings on your phone
Start the application settings from the applications list.

Step 2 : open the More menu
The more menu in settings application will lead to the cellular networks menu.

Step 3 : open the Cellular Networks menu
The cellular networks menu in more settings will have the Internet access point names settings.

Step 4 : open the Access Point Names menu
In the APN or Access Point Names options, it is possible to add an Internet access point to activate mobile Internet connection.

Step 5 : click on the + icon to add a new APN
If mobile Internet is not working, let’s start by adding a new mobile Internet access point name for the Lebara SIM card.

Step 6 : fill in the information according to your country
Country Name, Access Point name, username, password:
International SIM card and topup
Lebara France: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – fr.lebara.mobi, username – WAP, password – WAP,
Official help Lebara France – Paramètres Internet et données
Lebara United Kingdom: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – uk.lebara.mobi, username – WAP, password – WAP,
Official help Lebara United Kingdom – I’m having trouble accessing the internet
Lebara Germany: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – internet.t-d1.de , username – no username, password – no password,
Official help Lebara Germany – Internet und Einstellungen
Lebara Spain: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – gprsmov.lebaramobile.es, username – no username, password – no password,
Official help Lebara Spain – Internet y configuración de datos
Lebara Denmark: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – internet, username – no username, password – no password,
Official help Lebara Denmark – Android telefon
Official help Lebara Denmark – Nokia telefon
Official help Lebara Denmark – Windows telefon
Lebara Netherlands: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – internet, username – no username, password – no password,
Official help Lebara Netherlands – Internetinstellingen
Lebara Australia: name – Lebara, Access Point name APN – uk.lebara.mobi, username – WAP, password – WAP,
Official help Lebara Australia – Internet & Data Settings
Step 7 : save APN configuration
Tap on the three squares icon in the top right of the interface, and select save to have the access point name configuration registered.

Step 8 : enjoy Internet access
The phone should now be connection, as shown by the icon 4G in the status bar.
It might be necessary to restart your phone beforehand, and to activate the mobile network access to make sure that the Internet access works.
International SIM card and topup

Lebara iPhone Internet settings
To activate Internet on iPhone with Lebara, in case it is disabled, the following steps should be followed:
- Go to home screen, and open the settings app,
- select cellular menu,
tap enable LTE switch.
The LTE, or mobile Internet, should now be enabled. After that, update the iPhone access point name Internet settings as per above values, depending on the country as it is different per location.
International SIM card and topup

Main image credit: Mobile Phone App Keyboard Smartphone Internet
Originally published on Help Smartphone – www.helpsmartphone.com