
Notepad++ word count tool

How many words Notepad++

There are three easy ways to get the word count in Notepad++, and also the character count, along with the number of lines, with fast and simple tricks in Notepad++:

  • menu View > Summary…,

  • double click on the text length / lines count in the bottom status bar,

  • use the plugin TextFX > TextFX Tools > T:WordCount.

Install TextFX tools on Notepad++

Count words in text

The first way to get the word count in Notepad++, is to paste the required text in a new tab in Notepad++, and open the menu View > Summary….

This will display the same information as the next solution.

Notepad++ word count tool : Word count tool
Word count tool

Word count checker

The second way to get the char count in Notepad++, is to double click on the status bar, where the file length and the number of lines is displayed.

A pop-up will appear, showing the following information:

Characters count without spaces, word count, line count, document length, and selection length, if any.

Pay attention, the character counter does not take in consideration the spaces between words.

Notepad++ word count tool : How to do word count on pages
How to do word count on pages

Character count with spaces

To get a character count with spaces, the best way is to use TextFX plugin, which can easily be installed in Notepad++, see our guide below.

First step is to select a text, as the plugin will only do the count for the current selection. To get the information, open the menu TextFX > TextFX Tools > T:WordCount.

Notepad++ word count tool : How to see how many words you typed
How to see how many words you typed

It will display the word count, along with the char count with spaces and char count without spaces.

Pay attention, a text must be select, or an error message will be displayed.

Notepad++ word count tool : No text selected error
No text selected error

This plugin can easily be used as a paragraph word count, as all you have to do is select the required paragraph, and open the plugin to get the word count only for the selected paragraph.

Notepad++ word count tool : Character count with spaces
Character count with spaces

How many words is 200 characters

On average, a word has about 6 characters with spaces, or 5 characters without spaces in Latin.

Therefore, a 200 characters text represents about 40 words without spaces, or 33 words with spaces.

Problem description

How to check how many words you typed, how to do word count on pages, word count including spaces, notepad character count, how to count words in notepad.

Notepad++ download and word count