
Company code assignment to country

Solve company code not assigned to country

When getting the issue company code not assigned to country or country to calculation procedure message number FF703, for example while creating a request for quotation RFQ, there are several steps to check in order to solve the issue and proceed with the document creation:

  • create calculation procedure,

  • assign country to calculation procedure,

  • maintain tax code.

Company code assignment to country : SAP error message FF703: company code not assigned to country or country to calculation procedure
Company code assignment to country : SAP error message FF703: company code not assigned to country or country to calculation procedure

Create calculation procedure

In SPRO customizing, go to Financial accounting > Financial accounting global settings > tax on sales / purchases > basic settings > check calculation procedure.

Company code assignment to country : Check calculation procedure path in SPRO
Company code assignment to country : Check calculation procedure path in SPRO

Select the activity change view procedures, and check if a calculation procedure already exists.

If not, it is necessary to create a new one, by selecting the new entries option.

Company code assignment to country : Create new entry button for calculation procedure
Company code assignment to country : Create new entry button for calculation procedure

Enter the procedure name and the procedure description, which should be enough to proceed with the calculation procedure creation.

Company code assignment to country : Enter information for calculation procedure creation
Company code assignment to country : Enter information for calculation procedure creation

A customizing request will be necessary to save the changes and create the calculation procedure in the system.

Company code assignment to country : Customizing request for calculation procedure creation
Company code assignment to country : Customizing request for calculation procedure creation

Assign country to calculation procedure

The next step is to assign the country to the newly created calculation procedure.

In SPRO customizing transaction, select financial accounting > financial accounting and global settings > tax on sales / purchases > basic settings > assign country to calculation procedure.

Company code assignment to country : Path in SPRO to assign country to calculation procedure
Company code assignment to country : Path in SPRO to assign country to calculation procedure

Now, find the country for which the assignment to the calculation procedure should be done. If the list of countries is too big, or you cannot find it, use the position option to jump directly to the required country position in the table.

Company code assignment to country : Finding country code in Change view assign country > calculation procedure > overview
Company code assignment to country : Finding country code in Change view assign country > calculation procedure > overview

Once the country code line has been found, enter the corresponding procedure number, or press F4 to get a list of possible value of existing calculation procedures.

Company code assignment to country : Calculation procedures list from the system
Company code assignment to country : Calculation procedures list from the system

Once the calculation procedure has been selected and entered for the country, proceed with the save option. It is not necessary to enter a calculation procedure for all countries, but only for the countries used by a company.

Company code assignment to country : Save country calculation procedure assignment
Company code assignment to country : Save country calculation procedure assignment

A customizing request will be necessary for the operation to be completed and the information to be saved in the system.

Company code assignment to country : Entering customizing request for country calculation procedure assignment
Company code assignment to country : Entering customizing request for country calculation procedure assignment

Maintain tax code

The next and last step is to maintain the tax code for the corresponding country in which the calculation procedure assignment has been performed.

In SPRO, go to financial accounting > financial accounting global settings > tax on sales / purchases > calculation > define tax codes for sales and purchases.

Company code assignment to country : Define tax codes for sales and purchases in customizing tree
Company code assignment to country : Define tax codes for sales and purchases in customizing tree

The transaction will directly show a prompt asking for country code, enter there the country code in which the tax code has to be defined.

Company code assignment to country : Country code selection
Company code assignment to country : Country code selection

After that, simply enter the tax code that should be used for the country, such as 00 for example, but of course adapt it to local needs.

Company code assignment to country : Maintain tax code initial screen tax code selection
Company code assignment to country : Maintain tax code initial screen tax code selection

The properties of the tax code can be entered now, such as tax type, European Union code flag, target tax code, tolerance, inactivity flag, and more.

Company code assignment to country : Enter tax code creation properties
Company code assignment to country : Enter tax code creation properties

The tax code will be created and can be saved. Make sure that the correct tax type has been entered.

Company code assignment to country : Maintain tax code: tax rates screen during tax code creation
Company code assignment to country : Maintain tax code: tax rates screen during tax code creation

If necessary, do not hesitate to create a tax code for each tax type, for example one input tax and one output tax for the given tax code.

Company code assignment to country : Maintaining same tax code creation for second tax type
Company code assignment to country : Maintaining same tax code creation for second tax type