Create a company code in SAP FI
How to create a company code in SAP
The creation of a company code in SAP, one of the most basic organizational unit within the SAP system, is pretty simple, and can be done directly in the SPRO customization image, under Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial Accounting > Define company.

Creating a new company code
Once in the transaction, the list of existing company codes will be displayed, and their names can be modified directly from the table in the change view internal trading partners transaction.
It is also possible to delete company codes from that screen, however, this operation should be taken very carefully as it might have severe implications.
A company code name cannot be changed. If a company code has got the wrong code, and has been used intensively, it should be migrated to a new code, and the former code should be deactivated.
To create a new company code, select new entries button in the SAP menu on top of the interface.

Creation of a new company code
The first and only step in that transaction will be to fill in all the details of the company code that has to be created: its company code of course, which can only be unique by the SAP client, with a company name, an eventual second company name, and detailed address information including street, post office box, postal code, city, country, language key, and currency.
The main information here will be the company code, the language key, and the currency, as these will be used intensively in other connected transactions.
The language key will define the language used by default, and the currency will trigger different pricing actions.

After having entered all required information and trying to save the new company, a customizing request will be required in order to proceed with the company creation in the system.

Company code created in SAP system
After having validated the prompt for customization, the data will be saved, and the SAP interface will be back to the visualization and modification of the newly created company.
From that screen, it will actually be possible to change all information related to the company, except for the company code, which is the company code table T001 key for this entry and cannot be changed.
A confirmation message will be displayed in the notification tray of the SAP interface.

Going back to the display view internal trading partners, which contains the list of the companies created in the system, the new company that has just been created should now be visible.
It can directly be used in the other transactions.

Company code table in SAP
The company code table in SAP is the table T001, company codes.
The table can be visualized in the transaction SE16N, by entering the company code table T001 as the table to search and display.