
Instagram video upload stuck

When uploading a video on Instagram, it might happen that the upload gets stuck in the middle of the upload without any apparent reason – it might even stop Instagram from working.

To make sure this doesn’t happen, first make sure of the following :

  • the video respects below technical requirements, especially maximum length, one minute on the feed and fifteen seconds on stories,
  • the accounts on Instagram and Facebook are not blocked for any reason,
  • the internet connection is stable and working,
  • the content is allowed to be uploaded on the platform.

Instagram video upload technical requirements :

  • Instagram allowed video formats are H.264 codec / MP4,
  • Audio codec: AAC audio codec at 128kbps+,
  • Duration of videos from 1 second to maximum Instagram video length 60 seconds.

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If all of the above is correct, then try all of the following options :

  • restart Instagram,
  • clear the cache,
  • restart the app,
  • clear all app data – this will also clear suggested searches and hashtag suggestions, but will not remove login information,
  • in last resort, reinstall the app and restart the phone. In the later case, it will be necessary to login again for all the accounts and connected accounts, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Ameba, and Oknoklassiki.

Full walk through to upload correctly a video on Instagram after the post got stuck while sending.

First of all, when Instagram gets stuck uploading a video, try waiting a little bit, while making sure the connection is fine. It might happen that Instagram servers are getting busy, and that they slow down the video sending.

Instagram video upload stuck : Video upload stuck in Instagram mobile app
Video upload stuck in Instagram mobile app

First step is to go on the phone settings of installed applications, and find there the Instagram app.

Instagram video upload stuck : Finding the Instagram application in Android Apps settings
Finding the Instagram application in Android Apps settings

There, first simply try to force stop the application, meaning it will be restarted.

If that does not work, try to clear the cache, meaning deleting the files downloaded from the app while browsing, e.g. other pictures and videos.

If it still does not work, try to clear data, meaning the application will be like brand new and all information from the accounts will need to be entered again.

Instagram video upload stuck : Forcing application stop, clearing cache and clearing data in Android
Forcing application stop, clearing cache and clearing data in Android

Another possibility, is to try to log out of the account, by going in Instagram account settings, and scrolling down to the bottom :

Instagram video upload stuck : Looking for the account log out option
Looking for the account log out option

But it will most likely result in getting the error message “Just a moment – You can’t switch accounts while you’re uploading something. Please try again once it’s finished”, which is of course not possible as the video upload is stuck.

Instagram video upload stuck : Cannot logout of Instagram while a video upload is stuck
Cannot logout of Instagram while a video upload is stuck

If Instagram still does not work, the next step is to uninstall the application, either from the application settings, or directly from the application store.

After that, if possible, restart the phone before reinstalling the application, to make sure the phone memory is refreshed.

Instagram video upload stuck : Restarting Android phone after Instagram re-installation is complete
Restarting Android phone after Instagram re-installation is complete

After all is done, and the application has been installed back on the smartphone, try again uploading a video, which should normally go smoothly :

Instagram video upload stuck : Video upload successfully finished after reinstalling
Video upload successfully finished after reinstalling

Finally leading to the video being correctly displayed in the news feed, and visible to all followers or the whole community depending on the account settings :

Instagram video upload stuck : Video successfully uploaded appearing in the feed
Video successfully uploaded appearing in the feed