
Schedule an LSMW batch execution

You are using LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench), in Batch Input Recording mode (Fig 1), and want to make an update on several objects, which may take a lot of time, out of business hours ? This, without having to turn on your computer at midnight ?

Batch Input Recordingg
Fig 1 : Batch Input Recording

This is possible, and even easy..

To do so, you have several possibilities, after your (or yours) Batch Input Session have been created (Fig 2) :

  • Schedule all sessions created under a given Session Name,
  • Schedule a single session based on its Queue ID
Input Session
Fig 2 : Input Session

When you got the information (Session name or Queue ID), go in the ABAP Editor (SE38) (Fig 3), enter the choosen program name, RSBCBTC or RSBDCSUB, and execute it.

1 – several sessions by RSBDCSUB (Fig 4)

ABAP Editor
Fig 3 : ABAP Editor
Batch Input : Process All Sessions
Fig 4 : Batch Input : Process All Sessions

Once in the Batch Input: Process All Sessions, you just have to enter your Session Name (Fig 4) in the right place.

You can, and very certainly will have to, select only the sessions that you just created, by entering the sessions creation time slot. This while verifying that the “New” checkbox is checked.

2 – a single session by RSBDCSUB (Fig 8)

Fig 8 : SE38 RSBCBTC

If you choose to plan only a Batch Input Session, you just have to enter its Queue ID (Fig 9) in the corresponding field under screen Utility Report For Batch Input.

Utility Report for Batch Input
Fig 9 : Utility Report for Batch Input

Once your sessions are selected, you may want to plan their execution.

To do so, in Program menu, select “Execute in Background F9” (Fig 5). Choose then a printer (Fig 6) (do not hesitate to select a virtual one if you do not want to print anything), validate.

Execute in background
Fig 5 : Execute in background
Select printer
Fig 6 : Select printer

You can now schedule your execution (Fig 7). Click on “Date/Time”, and enter the starting hour – which will not be exact, as your execution will depend on other active process on the system – and other options.

Execution scheduling
Fig 7 : Execution scheduling

Click then on save, and voilà !

To go further : you can then monitor your schedules status in transaction SM37 (Fig 10), simply by entering your login and the execution day.

SM37 Simple job selection
Fig 10 : SM37 Simple job selection

You then see the past, present and future executions (Fig 11).

Job overview
Fig 11 : Job overview