
Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist

Factory calendar in SAP and inbound delivery

The factory calendar in SAP is used to tell the SAP system and its users when a factory is able to work, including bank holidays, working days, and work hours.

It is therefore used to plan the production, following the MRP procedure defined in the Master Master views and the SAP MM module.

An inbound delivery is the next step in the procurement lifecycle management after create a purchase order when the goods are actually coming physically in the warehouse, after what it is possible to create a supplier invoice and finish the procurement lifecycle management once the supplier has paid.

What is a Factory Calendar in SAP MM ?
Error at time of creation of process order
SAP procurement training

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Creation of an inbound delivery without calendar

When creating an inbound delivery without a factory calendar defined, an error might occur.

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Creation of inbound delivery
Creation of inbound delivery

If the error message displayed is “Factory calendar does not exist”, do not panic, as it can easily be solved in the SAP system.

Factory Calendar ID is not defined. – SAP Archive

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Error factory calendar does not exist
Error factory calendar does not exist

Display the error message to see that there are two possible causes, as it can be possible that the customer calendar setup for the unloading point as not been set, or that the billing dates in the factory calendar are not matching.

Factory calendar does not exist message VL099: Factory calendar not recognized
Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Factory calendar does not exist message VL099: Factory calendar not recognized
Factory calendar does not exist message VL099: Factory calendar not recognized

Setup plant factory calendar

The first step is to check that the plant has a default factory calendar set.

To perform this check, open the customization image transaction SPRO, and find the logistics define, copy, delete, check plant to be able to modify the factory calendar for the plant.

Check factory calendar for plant: SPRO > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Logistics - General > Define, copy, delete, check plant
Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Define, copy, delete, check plant entry in SPRO
Define, copy, delete, check plant entry in SPRO

Then, find the plant in which the inbound delivery is to be created. Use the search function if necessary, in case too many plants are displayed.

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Plants in Change view plants
Plants in Change view plants

It might be the case that the plant hasn’t been assigned a factory calendar, in which case the corresponding field factory calendar would be blank.

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Plant without factory calendar define
Plant without factory calendar define

If that is the case, select the right factory calendar to use for the plant, and save the transaction.

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Factory calendar selected for the plant
Factory calendar selected for the plant

A customizing request will be necessary, as requested by the corresponding prompt.

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Prompt for customizing request
Prompt for customizing request

Create inbound delivery with factory calendar

Now that the factory calendar has been setup for the plant, it is possible create an inbound delivery for the goods received.

Simply go back to the transaction code VL31N create inbound delivery, and start the process again.

It should now be possible to save it.

How to create an Inbound Delivery with Purchase order – SAPREALTIME
SAP procurement training

Solve issue factory calendar in SAP does not exist : Create inbound delivery overview
Create inbound delivery overview