
View Instagram stories archive

Story saver for InstaGram

The stories are automatically saved on Instagram application, and can be accessed from the rewind icon the account page overview.

After a story has disappeared, when the 24 hours publication have passed, it is still possible to access all the previous stories, and see the details of that story: who has seen them, which answers, and more statistics.


After being logged in on Instagram, and opening the app, tap on the icon to access the account main page, which is either a small persona in the top right of the application, or a miniature of the profile picture on the lower right corner of the app.

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View Instagram stories archive : Instagram main screen
Instagram main screen

Here, have a look at the top right of the screen: there is an icon which looks like a clock with an arrow going counter clockwise, which means rewind to access the history archive.

Tap on this icon to get to see the whole story history of the account.

View Instagram stories archive : Account main page and story archive icon
Account main page and story archive icon

Instagram story archive

In the InstaGram story archive, all the stories are visible, from the latest one to have disappeared from the current stories at the bottom, and the older history at the top.

It is possible from that screen to highlight igstories, or to view their statistics.

View Instagram stories archive : Instagram story archive
Instagram story archive

Tap on a story to see it again, as it appeared when it was featured on the current account stories – including the possibility to slide to stories posted before and after, just as if it was a fresh story.

View Instagram stories archive : Story displayed from archive
Story displayed from archive

Sliding up on the screen, or tapping on the viewers miniatures, will show the viewers details, and question answers, in case an interaction such as a question, a poll, or a slide has been added to the story.

From there, it is also possible to promote a former story, download it to the phone camera roll, reshare it as a post, or delete the story from the archive.

View Instagram stories archive : Story archive view results display
Story archive view results display

The statistics will show how many accounts have seen the story, how many times the story has been seen, but also how many follows it has triggered.

On top of that, you will be able to know how many people have seen the story until the end and the automatic switch to the next story, how many accounts have swiped to the next story, and how many account have left the story viewing from that story.

View Instagram stories archive : Story archive statistics
Story archive statistics

Instagram story archive gone

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to retrieve a deleted story archive, if it has been deleted from the story archive.

However, in case the stories are not saved automatically, make sure the option is activated, by going to Settings > Story Controls > Save to Archive.

In that case, the stories will be saved online on a secure server, and don’t have to be saved locally on the phone.

Where Can I FLY? On Instagram