
WordPress rename pictures automatically

Wordpress rename pictures automatically : File with local name
File with local name

For a better SEO, but also not to share your local files names, especially for pictures / images medias, and avoid sharing bad names like 11-finalresult.png in the example, but having a nicer ms-excel-2013-how-to-make-a-table-look-good-resize-columns-to-fit-content.png instead, a good and simple solution is to use the plugin Media File Renamer.

See also WordPress howto install a plugin

Wordpress rename pictures automatically : Media File Renamer plugin
Media File Renamer plugin

Once installed, go in the File Renamer plugin Settings.

Wordpress rename pictures automatically : File Renamer options
File Renamer options

There, make sure the option Rename On Save is checked. This will ensure that however your files are named, once attached to your posts, they will be automatically renamed with the title you have put in the description.

Wordpress rename pictures automatically : Rename On Save setting
Rename On Save setting

Don’t forget to also rename your files already uploaded on your WordPress installation.

Go to Media => File Renamer, and click the Scan All & Show Issues to see which files could use a rename. Click the Rename XX flagged media to have these files with issue renamed.

You can also click the Unlock & Rename all XXX media to have all your medias renamed.

Wordpress rename pictures automatically : Existing medias scan and update
Existing medias scan and update