Interval does not exist for object RF_BELEG
Interval does not exist for object
To solve the error NR751 interval does not exist for object, simply create the required number range in transaction FBN1 range maintenance: accounting document.
Once the number range interval corresponding to the company code has been created in the system, it is possible to proceed with the goods receipt purchase order.
A number range interval is necessary in order to create the purchase order, which needs to know the number it can use to create the next document.
Billing Error: For object RV_BELEG, number range interval does not exist
For object RV_BELEG Number Range Interval Does Not Exist
Missing no range
For the object RF_BELEG 1000 the number range interval 01 does
NR751 error in SAP
Message number NR751
The error message number NR751 interval does not exist for object RF_BELEG is the following:
Diagnosis: the database table NRIV has the delivery class C, i.e. the SAP default settings are only in client 000.
Procedure: create the missing number range interval in customizing.
Transaction code FBN1.
Create number range in SAP
To create a missing number range, simply go to the transaction FBN1 range maintenance accounting document.
In that transaction, the main organizational unit is the company code, in which several number ranges will be defined, and some of them are mandatory to be able to create documents in the system and assign them a unique identifying number.
Click on the goggle to visualize existing number ranges, on the pen to change the intervals, and on the status button to change existing number ranges status.
Creating a document number range in SAP
Once in the interval table, several options are available with the top icons above the table: add a new number range, delete an existing number range, select all number ranges, or deselect the whole table.
It is also possible to modify an existing interval simply by updating it in the table.
Adding a new number range starts by clicking on the corresponding button, in order to add a new line to the table.
The number and the year are very important, as the number must be define for the object type, and the year will define when the number range will be used, either during the given calendar year, or for all years if the year 9999 is entered.
The starting number, which can be up to 20 characters, will be the first number given to the first document of that type created during the selected calendar year.
The maximum number will generate an error when the previous document created already had that number assigned, and the maximum number has been reached.
Therefore, select your intervals in consequence, as it is important that all documents of the year can be created, and that each of them can get a unique number generated by the system in the given interval.
SAP document number range table
Number ranges are stored in table NRIV number range intervals, where they are stored with main key number and calendar year.
Number range for document type in SAP
Document types are defined in transaction OBA7, and the corresponding table T003. The path in the SPRO IMG is financial accounting > financial accounting global settings > document > document types > define document types for entry view.
A number range is assigned to a document type, with the object RF_BELEG.
The document types numbers assigned should go from 01 to 90, depending on the exact object.