
Perform a mass update in SAP

It is often useful – but dangerous – to update one or more values of several materials at the same time.

This manipulation is pretty much easy in SAP[1], maybe too much, use these informations carefully.

First of all, go in the MASS transaction, and choose the type of data to update.

For example, enter BUS1001 in MASS for “Materials (industry)” (Fig 1)icon, which is the Material Master (transaction MM02).

SAP, transaction MASS
Fig 1 : SAP, transaction MASS

You then enter the tables selection screen (Fig 2) that you would like to update. Check the ones that you want, and go in the fields selection tab (Fig 3) in which you want to modify the actual valueicon.

SAP, MASS, table selection
Fig 2 : SAP, MASS, table selection
SAP, MASS, field selection
Fig 3 : SAP, MASS, field selection

You are now able to select the data that you want.

The proposed selection fields (Fig 4) are the keys of previously selected tables – for example Material and Plant for MARC.

SAP, MASS, data selection
Fig 4 : SAP, MASS, data selection

Data corresponding to your search criteria are then displayed (Fig 5), as the fields you previously selected for update.

SAP, MASS, data selected
Fig 5 : SAP, MASS, data selected

Enter the new values in the first line, click on icon “Carry Out a Mass Change”icon, and selected values will be applied to all data (Fig 6).

SAP, MASS, data mass update
Fig 6 : SAP, MASS, data mass update

You can now save your changesicon (ensure carefully to modify only needed values).

After some execution time, you will get an update report (Fig 7), in which errors are displayed first.

SAP, MASS, update report
Fig 7 : SAP, MASS, update report

To go further :

In the data selection screen (Fig 4), it is possible to get more selection criterias (Fig 8), just click on icon “Choose selection fields”icon.

SAP, selection criterias
Fig 8 : SAP, selection criterias

You can then select in details interesting fields for your update (Fig 9), selected fields (Fig 10) have to be added to the left column by using central arrowsicon.

SAP, field selection
Fig 9 : SAP, field selection
SAP, field selected
Fig 10 : SAP, field selected

You can also, by using the standard icon “Selection options”icon, decide which filter to apply (Fig 11) on the field (existing valueicon, inferioricon, superioricon, …).

SAP, filter selection
Fig 11 : SAP, filter selection

Finally, once your selection criterias are defined (Fig 12), you can execute your mass update as explained previously.

SAP, selection criterias
Fig 12 : SAP, selection criterias