SAP accounting data not yet maintained
SAP accounting data not yet maintained for material
One solution is to open the transaction MM50, extend material views, and find the maintenance status B for accounting. Enter the number of the material missing the accounting data, and execute.
The plants will be listed, included the one for which the accounting view is missing. Select the correct plant, execute, and once in the material master accounting view, maintain the fields to create the corresponding views and solve the issue.

Accounting data not maintained for material
Error message M7090 accounting data missing
During a goods receipt purchase order creation, it might happen that the purchase order cannot be saved, due to missing accounting data in the material being purchased.
In that case, an error message accounting data not yet maintained for material will be displayed, and extended diagnosis is the following:
The material master data has not yet been maintained in plant from the accounting viewpoint. However, it is necessary for the master record to have been maintained by this view in order for the transaction to be poster.

Create missing account views
There are several ways to create the missing accounting views in material master, maintain the corresponding SAP MM tables, and proceed with the purchase order creation:
- open transaction MM50 extended material views, find the corresponding material, select the plant in which the views are missing, and create them,
open SAP material master tcode MM01 create material, select the views to create, maintain them, and save the material.
Once in the material master creation transaction, with the SAP Material Master tcode MM01, enter the material number, and not more at this stage – the views to create for the plant selected will happen later on.

SAP Material master accounting views
In the view selection of the material master creation for the material, select the accounting views, as they are needed in order to proceed with the material creation.

It is now possible to enter the basic information required for the accounting views creation, which depends on the local requirements for the material, and are relative to the selected plant.

Some important information to fill in can be the following, see below more details about them:

SAP SD Division
The division, used in SAP SD Sales and delivery, is an organizational unit used to represent a company, in which for example there are different businesses within the same sales organization.
The division is used to differentiate product lines within the company, for example a company that would sell cars and trucks, would have one division for its car sales, and another division for its truck sales.
SAP division table is TSPA Organizational Unit: Sales divisions.
SAP division tcode are VOR2 Joint Master Data: division, and OVXA division -> Sales organization.
SAP SD Division
SAP division tables
SAP division tcodes ( Transaction Codes )
Valuation category in SAP
The valuation category is a code used to differentiate partial stocks.
It can be value B for procurement type, in which case the valuation will depend on material manufacturing, whether it is manufactured by the company, or procured externally.
The value H for origin, means that the stock division will be based on the material origin, from where it has been delivered.
Value X for no valuation type define, means that every single goods receipt will be valued separately, with a new batch for each of them.
Other codes can be customized as necessary.
Valuation category table is MBEW.
Valuation category?
SAP valuation category tcodes ( Transaction Codes )
SAP valuation class
The valuation class in SAP groups the materials by account determination, depending on material types.
For example, one class can be used for raw materials, another one for accessory, and another one for finished products.
The valuation class table in SAP is T025 for valuation classes, and T025T for valuation classed descriptions.
The transaction code to create valuation class is OMSK.
Define Valuation Classes
SAP valuation class tables
T.code for creating valuation class