Best tips to create and sell online courses
How to develop an online course?
To create an online course, and sell online courses successfully to potential students, requires to reflect on your knowledge, remember your audience is not expert, and build great material.
After that, you will be able to create courses such as SAP online training that might lead to professional certifications for example and are a great way to make money online or to promote yourself online, depending on what your goal is.
See below our best tips to create your own online courses! Create and sell online courses for free
1- Reflect on your knowledge
Start by a deep thinking about your own knowledge: what did you learn at school? What did you apply at work for years? What are your most important skills that you are actually promoting on your CV?
These are some probable bases to find what you are able to talk about – the next step being to think about what other people might be interested in.
Did you ever learn some skills that cannot be acquired easily, but that might ease life of other people? These are probably some of the skills you might start with.
Regardless of the field in which you excel and have knowledge to share, one great way to find subjects and exact courses to create around the topic is to find companies that already make money online with these subjects, and ask them if they are looking for instructors to create courses.
For example, in my own field, which is SAP implementation, I started creating courses of SAP online training for an existing company, that focuses on getting clients and selling my courses.All I have to do is to create new courses, and wait for the money to come in.
Creating 5 Star Courses: 10 tips from MMC Instructor Nicole Land
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Have you read?
2- Remember your audience is not expert
To create an online course means not only sharing your expert knowledge, but also to make it understandable by beginners. The audience will most likely not know much about what you are explaining, and some habits that you might have and execute without even thinking about it might be something totally new to the student.
When creating a course, ask yourself what is the real information that is important and that you might, at first, not see as relevant for the course.
It is usually easier to create a quality course about a subject you don’t know much. Why is that? Because you will in include in that course the researches you had done, and naturally include beginners information. On the contrary, creating a course on a subject in which you are an expert might lead you not to do any research, as you already know it perfectly and won’t be necessarily see the need to include information or researches that seems basic to you.
In order to make a great course, treat the subject as if you knew nothing about it – if possible, ask somebody that doesn’t know anything about it to try it out. This might get you very useful information on how to turn the course for non experts.
Creating successful SAP courses
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
3- Build great material
Once you have the topic, you have an idea about potential students, you can start creating the materials that will be used to create an online course.
Should you make Powerpoint presentation with audio, simply record voice on Windows 10 to go with a PDF file? All these choises will most likely depend on the format in which you will sell online courses.
If you want to sell online courses from your own website, then the format will entirely depend on the platform you will use to publish and sell your courses, and you are free to choose the one you want – but remember that you will be alone, and will have to do everything from course creation to marketing.
If you are using the services of an online course website such as the one I am using for SAP online training or a dedicated website to sell online courses, then all you have to do is to follow the guidance of the company to create courses.
They can even tell you which topics are most important and for which there are actual students looking to buy online courses, and what they would want to find in the material. 5 Tips for Creating Your First (Successful) Online Course
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
Create successful online courses
To sum up, once you have found what you know most about, to whom you could sell it, and how you will present it, all you have to do is start working to create an online course, whether you are looking to make money online or to promote yourself online, and to select the place where you want to sell online courses such as a specialized online courses selling platform.
Create and sell online courses for free
Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash
Main picture credit: Photo by William Iven on Unsplash